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  1. V

    Bullying or Pecking Order?

    Oh the clutter is an excellent idea! I’ll try that.
  2. V

    Bullying or Pecking Order?

    It’s literally just the feather grabbing/hanging on/cornering that concerns me. If this sounds normal to everyone, then I’ll just let it happen until everyone is in their place.
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    Bullying or Pecking Order?

    Yeah I’ve put out extra food and water and it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Everyone has plenty of space and places to hide, so I’m kind of just wondering if I should just wait it out. They never fight longer than a few seconds but the new ones are definitely leery of the two mottleds. It’s...
  4. V

    Bullying or Pecking Order?

    Hey all! First off, Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate! So long story short, I have 7 bantams. 2 mottled Cochins, 1 frizzle Cochin, 1 Easter egger, 1 White crested black polish, and 2 Millie d’fluers. The EE and the WCBP are fairly new editions, and my two mottled’s really go after...
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