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  1. nuthatched

    Worm Prevention and Treatment?

    Could be cecal poop or I've noticed my birds get funky poops whith too many bugs.
  2. nuthatched

    Worm Prevention and Treatment?

    Are you sure it's not Cecal poops with gas? How old is the bird?
  3. nuthatched

    Worm Prevention and Treatment?

    X2 pumpkin seeds do have mild anthelmintic properties BUT they also contain high amounts of antinutritional qualities, in the amounts required to cause the mildly (read barely) effective worming, the chickens system would shut down from nutrition deficiency. Not worth worming a dead bird.
  4. nuthatched

    Worm Prevention and Treatment?

    An article by people trying to sell you their products, they aren't researchers or scientists or even basing their statements on research by scientists. Just parroting the same misinformation that gets spread around "because 'they' said so". They're con artists. More people than not believe it...
  5. nuthatched

    Worm Prevention and Treatment?

    Becky is dead wrong because Becky hasn't done her research and is promoting false information for views. Utube is almost always wrong because there's no quality control or fact checking.
  6. nuthatched

    Worm Prevention and Treatment?

    You could mix it with the old feed a bit at a time or just switch.
  7. nuthatched

    Worm Prevention and Treatment?

    If you could get a higher protein feed, that would be good, I use game bird layer, it's only 3 or 4 dollars more than the dumor and since it's higher protein, they eat less of it. You can feel their crops at night when they roost, you want feeling like a bag of rice not doughy or waterballoony.
  8. nuthatched

    Worm Prevention and Treatment?

    All chickens will have some worms, the problem starts when they overwhelm the birds system. It's best not to treat unless you can confirm a high level of worms from a fecal float or checking droppings or if you live in wet climate, where wirms ate prevelant, you can worm once a year if you see...
  9. nuthatched

    Worm Prevention and Treatment?

    Chickens won't eat onions or garlic if they have a choice so that's not something to worry about. It's normal for comb and skin color to change from day to day or minute to minute. Combs shrink and get pale in the winter because they aren't laying as much or at all. Have you checked their crops...
  10. nuthatched

    Worm Prevention and Treatment?

    Absolutely not. Diotomaeceous Earth does absolutely nothing for internal parasites. It’s not a safe product for birds, it's respiratory irritant for you and your birds, it causes necrotic tissue in their bronchial tube and will eventually suffocate them. Garlic is not an effective wormer and is...
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