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  1. FeatherProfessor

    Neighbor interfered

    Oh my goodness! What cuties. Love the names too. :) congratulations on your little flutters
  2. FeatherProfessor

    Neighbor interfered

    Hooray!! All’s well that ends well. I’m sure you’re at work now but would love to see pictures when you get a chance to rest.
  3. FeatherProfessor

    Neighbor interfered

    Any updates?
  4. FeatherProfessor

    Neighbor interfered

    Don’t cry! All is not lost. And if they’re chewing, that’s good. They’re absorbing the yolk sack. They aren’t ready to hatch yet and you can get some shut eye before they decide to make an entrance.
  5. FeatherProfessor

    Neighbor interfered

    Seconding what Rose Quartz said. Coconut oil on the inner membranes. I’d let them sit until morning. Really truly. Or set an alarm for in a few hours and evaluate then. But sit. On. Your. Hands. No touchy. If you absolutely cannot sit on your hands, instead of breaking them out, consider...
  6. FeatherProfessor

    Neighbor interfered

    Coconut oil (no scents. Just raw natural stuff) works well. Use a q tip to apply it
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