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  1. Rose Quartz

    Neighbor interfered

    Sounds more like deficiencies the parents had causing problems. That or maybe incu temp, bit you sounds like you know what you're doing with the incubator. The medicated feed shouldnt be what's causing these issues
  2. Rose Quartz

    Neighbor interfered

    What you did is what i would have done. It's hard to say what might've happened. What i would suspect is that the greater exposure to air made the remaining egg white stickier and it isn't cleared off all the way so it's difficult to open it's eyes, but that wouldnt explain watery eyes.
  3. Rose Quartz

    Neighbor interfered

    Awesome! I'm glad they're all ok, and that you were able to get some much needed sleep.
  4. Rose Quartz

    Neighbor interfered

    Yeah they're not ready at all rn, it's possible they'll hatch on their own in the night too. Get some sleep, set an alarm for 8 or 9, and help them then if they're stuck. Idk how long it takes to get to the ICU, but give yourself about 30 mins for each egg to have a look at them and help them...
  5. Rose Quartz

    Neighbor interfered

    Idk your time zone, it's almost 10pm for me rn. Picking apart eggs when you're tired isn't gonna be fun, for egg 2 and 3, are they poking their beaks up like they do when they're trying to pip, or are they still just licking? If they don't look like they're trying to pip more you should...
  6. Rose Quartz

    Neighbor interfered

    number 1 can get out on it's own, number 2 and 3 will likely need help. You can wait a full 24 hours after when they pipped, assuming you know ball park when that was, or wait until the rest of the eggs in their group are done hatching and then help them get out.
  7. Rose Quartz

    Neighbor interfered

    D: that's more chipping than I thought you meant. The outer membrane being white is normal and fine, it's the inner membrane that you want to have the coconut oil on. The chick should be able to hatch on it's own even with this much shell missing so long as it doesn't get stuck to the membrane.
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