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  1. Lilybljm

    Foamy eye disease

    I’ve been looking but haven’t had any luck finding any females nearby. She’s made a full recovery and rejoined the flock! She’s now sitting on some fertile eggs so hopefully I’ll be able to reestablish some of my flock size. Unfortunately even when I had a bunch females she was STILL the...
  2. Lilybljm

    Foamy eye disease

    Will try the warm water, thanks. I did a saline one already and it didn’t budge. Yeah she’s part of my original flock. The only one left. She has one boy that would always defend her but unfortunately a mink got in my coop and killed the majority of them, including him. The only two males I have...
  3. Lilybljm

    Foamy eye disease

    It must be. She’s hissing at me if I get too close to it but hopefully it’s helping anyway. Poor baby. I’ve had her for ten years and she’s never been so touchy. Certainly doesn’t look any worse this morning thankfully, though I wouldn’t say it looks better. She’s a little more cheery now it...
  4. Lilybljm

    Foamy eye disease

    I got that picture of her finally. I started rinsing it with saline and I did treat her with terramycin but it looks really REALLY bad, though this picture makes it look a bit worse than it is. Her other eye is completely normal. Lot of missing feathers from over mating. I want to wipe away the...
  5. Lilybljm

    Foamy eye disease

    Did that right away. I’m just gonna stop there on my home and hope they have it. If they don’t I’ll probably go to the vet.
  6. Lilybljm

    Foamy eye disease

    I found multiple sources saying that can happen and she has absolutely no respiratory symptoms. I know she is being over mated because she is the favorite of the males and is missing most of her neck and head feathers at this point. I will be posting pictures here when I get home but I can’t...
  7. Lilybljm

    Foamy eye disease

    I don’t but the tractor supply might. I can stop there on my way home.
  8. Lilybljm

    Foamy eye disease

    I can get some when I get home, I had to get to work but I’m off in two hours.
  9. Lilybljm

    Foamy eye disease

    One of my girls has foamy eye disease from over-mating and it’s quite sunken and swollen. At first I thought her eye had been pecked out and panicked, but it seems to still be there behind the swelling. She’s still eating and drinking, but her eye looks really bad. I could bring to the vet ER if...
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