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  1. Eggcessive

    Crooked Chicken Beak

    It could be just her normal color, if it is on both sides. Bruising can look blue green as well. Did you ever get a picture of the inside of her beak? What did the chicken have that was put down?
  2. Eggcessive

    Crooked Chicken Beak

    Make sure the dark area on her right beak is not food, but tissue. Here are some pictures of canker, a protozoan infection inside the beak.
  3. Eggcessive

    Crooked Chicken Beak

    If you can get a picture of the flesh on the beak and inside the beak, just to see if there is something inside her beak, such as canker. Look for anything yellow.
  4. Eggcessive

    Crooked Chicken Beak

    Cross beak is a common deformity that can get worse with age. Feeding crumbles or moistened chicken feed from a taller bowl cannhelp them get enough to eat. Beaks can be slightly trimmed with dog nail clippers, and a file can be used as well. Here is some reading about this...
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