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  1. Miss Lydia

    Sick Cayuga?

    Wow so happy to hear this.. And congrats for staying with her until she was through it all. Thank you for updating ❤️
  2. Miss Lydia

    Sick Cayuga?

    How is your Cayuga doing today?
  3. Miss Lydia

    Sick Cayuga?

    Sorry to hear this. Hopefully, you can keep her going and she can see the vet on Monday. I'm sure you are doing all you can for her.
  4. Miss Lydia

    Sick Cayuga?

    How is she today ? Great you have an avian vet close by.
  5. Miss Lydia

    Sick Cayuga?

    I sure hope it helps. Update when you can please. Heres the info we have here on BYC
  6. Miss Lydia

    Sick Cayuga?

    I am so sorry she is going through this and you too. It's so hard to know how to help them. I wish I knew what to tell you to do to help her. Any chance she could have eaten metal?
  7. Miss Lydia

    Sick Cayuga?

    If at all possible you might want to take her to the vet. Gently run your hand up and down her neck to make sure she hasn't something lodged in there. Is she eating and drinking normally still? Is she showing other symptoms like discharge from eyes or nares. listen to her breathing.
  8. Miss Lydia

    Sick Cayuga?

    So your doing a flush? Just make sure to follow the directions fully. Let me know how she is after please.
  9. Miss Lydia

    Sick Cayuga?

    Do you have any poultry vitamins like poultry cell? I’m not sure what might be going on with her. And her poop looks normal still?
  10. Miss Lydia

    Sick Cayuga?

    @Hcaudill how is your Cayuga today?
  11. Miss Lydia

    Sick Cayuga?

    Be sure to let us know how she is tomorrow. Thank you for the compliment.
  12. Miss Lydia

    Sick Cayuga?

    Something is not right. Since she is eating and her poop looks normal I really don't know unless at the creek she may have eaten something that has her feeling not so good today. Lots of things down around water even a dead fish etc. There are flushes for this I can give you the info and let you...
  13. Miss Lydia

    Sick Cayuga?

    Okay well we can rule out egg laying trouble. Anything around that she could have eaten that is toxic plants water dead mouse etc? Beautiful Rooster by the way.
  14. Miss Lydia

    Sick Cayuga?

    {Has she been laying?}When did she lay last? when one of mine is going to lay a soft shell she'll go off by herself and it takes a good while to get the egg laid not long after she is back to hanging with everyone and acting normal again. It seems to be hard on them to lay a soft shell.
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