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  1. R2elk

    quail-raised guineafowl

    I find this statement highly unlikely. I have no idea how they could determine the male to female ratio in the wild given that the sexes cannot be identified by sight. The fact that females are highly susceptible to predators when on their hidden nests, it is far more likely that males...
  2. R2elk

    quail-raised guineafowl

    I will trust people that actually raise guinea fowl rather than someone that pretends to be an expert. Those are usually the same kind of people that claim guinea fowl mate for life. I have raised guineas with chickens and without chickens. The imprinting that happens when brooding keets with...
  3. R2elk

    quail-raised guineafowl

    This is really bad advice. The space is critical. Too many people think that they can cram guineas into the same small area that they already have over populated with chickens. Guineas need far more space than chickens need. By not following the well known proper ratio of one male to one...
  4. R2elk

    quail-raised guineafowl

    The proper ratio of male to female guinea fowl is 1:1. For the most part they form bonded pairs. Not all male guineas will accept more than one female.
  5. R2elk

    quail-raised guineafowl

    My chicken imprinted guineas would go after any poultry including the turkeys. My experience with people that claim their chicken imprinted guineas get along fine with chickens is that they either are talking about juveniles that have never been through the breeding season yet or they aren't...
  6. R2elk

    quail-raised guineafowl

    My guinea flock was quiet. I raised them both ways, with and without chickens. After what they did to the chickens, I will never raise them with chickens again. I brood the keets by themselves. I do not imprint them and they are quiet. They don't scream because they haven't become attached...
  7. R2elk

    quail-raised guineafowl

    It has happened with just a few guineas to a lot of chickens. It is instinctive guinea behavior. Guineas really need to not be kept as just a couple. They are a flock bird and need more guineas for proper flock dynamics. Remove the quail. The guineas may scream for awhile but will get over...
  8. R2elk

    quail-raised guineafowl

    And what usually happens once their first breeding season starts isn't funny as they terrorize the chickens. Guineas have entirely different instincts than any other poultry. Other poultry don't understand the races and chases. They also don't understand the attacks from behind with the...
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