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  1. Crystalchic

    Did I provoke my neighbor into this?

    do on to others as they do on to you. your probably doin your friend a favor by getting rid of the miserable dead beat hubby yep i got me an evil mind mess with my flock your messing with me mess with me your playing with fire
  2. Crystalchic

    Did I provoke my neighbor into this?

    break up their marriage. if they hang their clothes on a clothes line, put a pair of gloves on and steal his boxers and make lip stick marks on them that isnot a color that his wife wears. then ask his wife for a ride some where since yur friends and hide a womans hair Barrett and one single...
  3. Crystalchic

    Did I provoke my neighbor into this?

    at this time jennie has to figure out if this neighbor is going to put poison near her birds. the only way for her to learn his true intentions is to ask him. everything else is now obsolete. Jennie be very kind and bite your tongue and tell him that your sorry and that you will try to move your...
  4. Crystalchic

    Did I provoke my neighbor into this?

    it seems to be almost impossible to keep the flies and bugs away from the chickens and their area. I am having a huge issue with squirrels at the moment. they are always in my pens stealing food. for now i am using food grade DE to try to control some of the bug issues. I have two dogs. I use...
  5. Crystalchic

    Did I provoke my neighbor into this?

    Jennie, if you are concerned that your neighbors are going to hurt your chickens with poison let me know if i can help you. if its a matter of the money to move your coop or pen let me know i can help you
  6. Crystalchic

    Did I provoke my neighbor into this?

    jennie have you tried flie predator to control the fly problem. sorry about the confusion. when i saw that a child was maced for looking through a fence that just ticked me off. 13 chickens isnt really that many. can you move your coop and pen? if someone threatened to put poison around my...
  7. Crystalchic

    Did I provoke my neighbor into this?

    i thought that i read somewhere that she peppered sprayed a child for lookin through a fence if that is true one can not get any lower than that
  8. Crystalchic

    Did I provoke my neighbor into this?

    if someone peppered sprayed my child we would be rolling in the street, you would not be at the better end, i promise
  9. Crystalchic

    Did I provoke my neighbor into this?

    Jennie, what concerns me is that she is claiming that your chickens are not properly cared for. i can see both sides of this. if your living with rats and flees and were my neighbors i would have the health department and child protective services involved. if she is not telling the truth about...
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