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  1. Beanzie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Awesome, and good luck with your hatch! I have a batch hatching as we speak, right on day 21. So far one is pipped, another is halfway through zipping. It is my second hatch and I have already learned soooo much. Definitely a rewarding experience. How many you got going?
  2. Beanzie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I sort of want to but I do not think I will be able to make it. Anyone have a schedule of the swaps? I could have sworn there was one closer to me, just outside of GB.
  3. Beanzie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Good morning, everyone! Here is my current head count, and I hear more peeing from the incubator. Hopefully I will have a pip when I get home. I have two birchen modern games, two silkies (one black, one white), and one lakenvelder. Has anyone ever used zip ties to identify a chick? My two...
  4. Beanzie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I currently have ten unhatched eggs, four chicks, one chick with a shell attached, and one border collie mix driving me crazy! Wait, scratch that, I know have five chicks! Jelly is still going at it, though. I guess staring at things is her birthright! The trio in the brooder. Looks...
  5. Beanzie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Silkie next to its bator mate - cheering it on!
  6. Beanzie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I have a pip!
  7. Beanzie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Day eighteen/nineteen today, good thing I am not at home to stare at them, otherwise I'd probably be sitting there all day. I keep looking up how soon they can hatch because I want at least one to hatch early for me to fawn over. I have nothing to do for three days after today so I will drive...
  8. Beanzie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    My entire set up is located in my bathroom. From hatching point to the brooder they will spend their tiny, fluffy lives in my bathroom until they get too big and the poor babies get kicked out to the heated garage. Lol Here is a pick of what they'll be roughing it in. And of course some free...
  9. Beanzie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Good luck to you! This is my first hatch with the same incubator. I started out with 36 eggs and now I have about 15 that showed development but I have to recandle them. My advice would be to run a tube into the reservoir and add water with a syringe. That is my set up but I'll have to see if it...
  10. Beanzie

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I've got fifteen eggs developing in the incubator on day eleven! Mostly Silkies, but I think three Lakenvelders and three Modern Games. Exciting stuff! I got these eggs from a friend, and of the breeds I only have Silkies, so it will be interesting to have a few more breeds. As an added note...
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