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  1. DomesticDiva12

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I am jealous you are getting any eggs. We have 5 hens (3 buff orpington, 2 reds) and are currently getting NO eggs, not one. Not for a few weeks. It was right about the time we got real cold that they stopped but I am really wondering what is going on. If we have an egg eater or what. I have...
  2. DomesticDiva12

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thanks everyone! Bigz- glad to here that, I was almost considering telling the husband to find some other type of bird to teach the dog with LOL
  3. DomesticDiva12

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thanks, yeah we were thinking of doing pretty much a run with netting over it and some things scattered through it for cover, brush, hay, wooden crates. I have heard you want to make feedings as short as possible as they aren't the nicest birds lol Though my rooster has started pecking at my...
  4. DomesticDiva12

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Good morning! Long time again. I hate to always pop in with questions but that is usually all I have time for! Has anyone raised pheasants? We want to raise some for dog training, I can't seem to figure out where to look to find out if you need a permit for that? I am thinking we will do 30 if...
  5. DomesticDiva12

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Long time no 'see'! I am just going to jump back in if you all don't mind. We had a busy summer and finally got our very first eggs this week!! I had a talk with them last week about how if they weren't laying before the cold set in they would be declared duds and made into chicken booyah, must...
  6. DomesticDiva12

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    You all are chatty! I skimmed but boy is there a lot of reading to do on this thread! My chicks are 2 weeks old now and already starting to get ugly, and huge compared to what they were. I'm pretty sure that somehow I managed to get 50/50 on my straight run buff orpingtons, 2 males 2...
  7. DomesticDiva12

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Bigfam4 will they be chicks? How close to Green bay are you? I might be interested if they would be close enough in age to my chicks Well I've left the chicks upstairs and the cat hasn't gotten them, she has seen us play with them. Hopefully they are pretty safe. I had to run errands yesterday...
  8. DomesticDiva12

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    How do you all keep your cats away from your chicks? Our cat is a mouser and she just stares at the chicks in the brooder, I caughter her trying to stick her paw (all claws intact) into it yesterday. I'm not too worried about when they are bigger because she really doesn't like other animals but...
  9. DomesticDiva12

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I'm desperately hoping my kids get my husband's teeth, never had braces and has perfect teeth. We have 4 also, 7 years between my oldest and youngest....we've got some expensive years ahead! My kids have spring break this week so they've pretty much spent every spare second watching the chicks...
  10. DomesticDiva12

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hello! I'm new :) I live about 20 minutes north of Green Bay and just got my very first 6 chicks today! 2 'red pullets' and 4 straight run buff orpingtons. I really wanted buff orpingtons but since I'm after females I decided I'd only chance it with 4 of them and go for 2 that were definitely...
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