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  1. MizzHen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi Jean, I'm kind of in the same boat. I am planning to use sand inside my coop and pine shavings inside the nesting boxes. I have a run inside my garage right now until my coop is set in place in my backyard. The run is on concrete. I put a tarp down and just started adding sand to the run...
  2. MizzHen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thank you Jim! That reassurance is greatly appreciated! Just one more question about medications- should I be deworming my chickens at all or do you only do this if they show signs of illness? Thanks in advance!
  3. MizzHen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi, I am new to raising chickens. Over the past ten weeks, I have been raising three Rhode Island Reds and three Plymouth Rocks from pullets. They were med free at purchase so I immediately started them on medicated chick starter to get them going. They've gone through two bags and I just...
  4. MizzHen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I'm in the process of constructing my first chicken coop. It's for 6 chickens and is 5 ft x 5.5 ft. This is what I have so far. I plan to cut a window in on the south side for year round sunlight. I havent decided if I will make it an open/close window or just a pane of plexy-glass. I'm...
  5. MizzHen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I picked up my ladies yesterday and so far, they've been doing great and making themselves at home. This is my first flock. I'm starting out with three Rhode Island Reds and three Plymouth Barred Rocks. I was hoping for Buff Orpingtons initially, but my local supplier only had young hens that...
  6. MizzHen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi, I'm finally picking up my 6 chicks this weekend. They'll be two weeks old. I'll have to transport them in a car for about twenty minutes. Any suggestions on how to best do this without stressing them out? Can I just use a cardboard box with air holes cut in? Do I need to be concerned...
  7. MizzHen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Does anyone have a really good coop design for 6-8 hens that will be warm enough for Wisconsin winter months? I keep tossing plans back and forth- does anyone have something they really love- functionality and easy to clean? Thanks in advance! I have to get a move on if I want to raise chicks...
  8. MizzHen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    That's a resource of great information. Gives me a lot to consider and think about. Thank you!
  9. MizzHen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    My address is Appleton, but I'm actually in the Town of Center on two acres. That gives me a little more freedom than the "town folks" ;) I need to think on the ducks for a while. I would think if you don't clip their wings, they'd probably want to fly south when the others go by.
  10. MizzHen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    How about protecting your run? Does everyone dig the wire walls down about a foot or two or is there better ways to deter digging animals? I am just in the beginning stages of building my first coop and run. If I can learn from others' experiences starting out, that may save me from some...
  11. MizzHen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I see eagles and vulctures flying around my house sometimes, too. I was hoping the Barred rock would be able to camouflage a little better and not have much to worry about. Any tips on how to deter winged predators and still free range? I'm hoping that keeping the coop close to the house and...
  12. MizzHen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Has anyone in Wisconsin tried to winter ducks? How do they do? Do they require more house square footage than chickens? Also, will anyone have Barred rock chicks for sale in May? I'm looking for about six baby hens. Thanks!
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