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  1. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Well that would sure be closer! I know the last time I posted you said you had some 5 weeks old. Would you have the smaller ones at Easter?
  2. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Well let me give that some thought. It is a long way but we could make a day of it. What ya got hatching? It would be nice to meet someone from here. Is there any way to know that young if they really are girls? I can't have roos and I have no idea what I would do with one here in the burbs...
  3. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi - I asked some questions about a week ago about getting new chicks. And I decided I am going to pick up 2 chicks to add to my huge existing flock of 2. I'm wondering if anyone here would have a couple to sell me for pick up Easter weekend? My dd is off the next week and I figure she can...
  4. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I'll keep you in mind. I'm New Berlin so that would work. DD just has her heart set on a couple of fuzzies so I have to figure out if I can do that first. And with the weather now I think I'll wait because it's too cold for them to be outside. DH reminded me that last year this weekend was in...
  5. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I'm looking to add 2 hens to my existing "huge" flock of 2 hens this summer. So I'd be up to 4 hens total which is what I'm allowed. DD would love to get a couple of chicks and raise them. I'd love to as well but I realize a few of the practicalities of it. #1 Chicks are going to take more...
  6. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    My suburban part time free range girls enjoyed some out time in the yard yesterday. Here in New Berlin we got just about 2 inches today and now the temps are dropping! Nice to get a break from the achy breaking cold for a day though.
  7. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    There is a swap meet at the Walworth County fairgrounds in Spring isn't there? Does anyone know when that is?
  8. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi Lauren. I'm in New Berlin and chickens are allowed here. Wauwatosa is in the process of trying to get an ordinance approved. As you probably know Milwaukee approved an ordinance last year...
  9. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Kristip - I only have two. 50 lbs lasts a long time!
  10. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I'm in New Berlin near Milwaukee. I bought a 50lb bag of Purina Layena. Just wondering if anyone in the area would want to split it with me. $8.50 for 25lbs.
  11. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hey everybody. We spent the last two days on college tours with my son who is a hs junior. We did Whitewater and Madison. It is so so cool to see him so excited and engaged in this next step of his life. My two girls are doing well. I came in last night and told my dh - I just love having...
  12. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    So far so good. I guess! I never actually saw any lice - I just saw what looked like eggs on the feathers around the vent. But then that's the first chicken butt I ever looked at! I treated both with permethrin. I understand that Sevin may be more effective but it's something that I just want to...
  13. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi bj! I'm a noob too and in New Berlin. I have two hens, just got them in March. New Berlin allows 4 hens. As far as I know it was in the ordinance for a while. Here is a link to your town ordinances. As far as I can see if it doesn't say you can't then you can. You might want to check any...
  14. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi Jakob.I'm Maggie and also noob. I got 2 Americaunas a couple of weeks ago. I'm in New Berlin so we're only allowed 4 hens. I thought I'd start with 2 and see how it goes from there.
  15. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thanks mxmarg I did see your post! I'm off to the Tractor Supply store to get something for lice. blerg.
  16. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Oh geeze! Two weeks into this and I think that Marilyn has lice. Looking at her bum and comparing it to pictures that is sure what it looks like. I looked because I am seeing her feathers around the coop. Also her neck looks naked in spots. Is that lice or is Snowy maybe plucking her? Will DE...
  17. Mugs

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi everyone. Maggie in New Berlin here. I'm new here and to hens. I'm starting small with 2 Americaunas. I've been wanting to get hens for a couple of years and I've done a ton of reading. But I'm glad to find a forum like this to ask questions and share info. So
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