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  1. brandislee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    If I were you I'd just leave the eggs as is watch for the first ones to hatch, then pull all unhatched eggs within 24 hours. Sucks for the potentially viable eggs, but lesson learned- always mark eggs under a broody hen, or keep her away from other chickens. I'm sure you're not the first one...
  2. brandislee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Cute! Do you know how long it takes turkeys to feather out? I just got my very first turkey poults, and I was under the impression I was getting day olds, but they had half their wing feathers and a few tail feathers when I got them, so I thought it was just a turkey thing, but these poults...
  3. brandislee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I know! I feel the same way- I would love to rescue a cat, but I can't because they require you to keep the cat 100% inside, because that is their idea of humane. My idea of humane is a cat who can come and go as they please, hunt mice when they want, and see sunshine other than through a...
  4. brandislee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Did anyone go to the poultry/small animal swap this morning in Ellsworth? I tried to make it, but I really wanted to sleep in this morning, and in reality I didn't need to buy or sell anything (plus I don't have any bloodwork on my birds). Just wanted to go to be social and look about, but...
  5. brandislee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I am considering going to that rally, but it's a 4 hour one way drive for me, which is a long drive. But I really hope that everyone closer who can, goes- it doesn't matter if you drink raw milk or not or how you feel about it- this is about food freedom. There is no justifiable reason for the...
  6. brandislee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hey all- I know some people think this weather is a mess, but I'm loving it, as are the chickens. They're happy to be able to get out and run around the property instead of being confined to the coop and run (which they won't even go out in when there's snow...). I just hope they don't get too...
  7. brandislee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Despite my best efforts, I think my roosters got frostbite, which makes me think that the ventilation in my coop isn't as good as I think it is, or that something is causing too much humidity. Or it was the one night I didn't put bag balm on them because I didn't think they needed it (the night...
  8. brandislee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: I don't pay my kids $ yet because they're 3 and 5 (although they do do chores- both are responsible for feeding an animal and the 5 year old gathers eggs on the days she's not in school plus various other household tasks), but I probably will pay them some when they get older, and I do...
  9. brandislee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thanks guys! I feel a little better now. And it is a lot more comfortable in there than outside, at least. I stupidly went out with knee length sweats on and my calves were freezing- the coop was a relief to my cold legs. Makes me wish I would have stuck to pea combed chickens, though...
  10. brandislee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Duh. Sorry- I thought I mentioned how many birds I had. I didn't- I have 22 in that 60 foot coop, and the point I was getting at is that, although it was accidental, I like my setup- they have plenty of sheltered space during the day, but at night they're in a more confined space= more...
  11. brandislee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I already have a water heater- same as yours- kicks on under 35 and turns off over 45... so in other words it will be on pretty much from now until March... on a side note, to coop is "wired" to the garage outlet, and suddenly last week the breakers kept flipping when I would blow dry my hair...
  12. brandislee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hey all! How's everyone (and their chicks...) handling the cold? This is my first winter with chickens and I'm still pretty unsure about how they're doing. They have plenty of space (150 sq feet of covered snow free space during the day plus access to their outdoor yard... not that they go...
  13. brandislee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: My silkie has an egg "due" tomorrow or the next day.... I really hope it hatches. She had two eggs up until Saturday, and of course I was out of town (my husband was here to care for the chickens, but of course saw nothing...), so I have no idea how one mysteriously disappeared. I'm...
  14. brandislee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: LOL no problem... I am not a football fan at all. If the circumstances are right I can be bribed into watching a college game, mostly because 1) I'm from Nebraska and it's in our blood, so I can't really turn it ALL the way off, and 2) my cousin plays for Kansas State, so I have to...
  15. brandislee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Can I say "hi" if I'm not technically from Wisconsin? I live in Minnesota, but just over the border near Hastings, and it doesn't seem as though Minnesota's board is as active... so hi! And I'm kind of passively looking for hens to buy, as I figure some of us are de-flocking for the winter...
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