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  1. dynodan22

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi all I been off the board a while , raising 3 chickens still . They seem to be going pretty good , though I never seen a creature poop so much when they're suppose to be sleeping. I ran in to an issue. I have 2 barred rocks and an austrolorp. The austrolorp seem to be the leader up until 2...
  2. dynodan22

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Dynodan22 Here is a picture of the birds:)
  3. dynodan22

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Do you folks think it's to early to put 3 week old chickens out in the coop at this point of the season? They have most of their feathers. Also at night do you generally keep the food and water in the run and the interior of the sleeping coop free of food and water? Thanks Dynodan22
  4. dynodan22

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thanks Bigfamily I was pretty sure it was just the case , We washed it's but to make sure it wasn't bound up or something. My family is still looking at me like a murderer. We will stick with 3 for now and work out the kinks maybe pick up2 next year. I extremely happy with the barred rocks...
  5. dynodan22

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi all Chickens are a week and half in age . The family has grown attached to them . I on the other hand ,look at them as a bird, go figure. We lost one of our chickens last night . I am not sure it is common or not. The other's sprouted up in a week or so , well this one just lagged and...
  6. dynodan22

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Well we picked up the chickens from abendroths hatchery , nice little drive from Milwaukee with the daughter . Her first comment when we went inside , man it stinks in here The hatchery was great they had all the orders bundle and ready to go. I didn't know they hatched 10,000 birds a week wow...
  7. dynodan22

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Yeah I get to pick my chickens up Monday 5/7 from Abendroths hatchery I ended up buying 2 Barred rocks, 1 austrolop, and 1 silver wyandotte that should be a nice mix of chickens, picked up shingles for $10 a bundle off of craigslist should be able to finish the roof on the coop this week...
  8. dynodan22

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Ok I want to thank Gina for the offer for the Barred rock chickens , but with the ride up and wanting a variety and chicks I decide to order from Abendroths hatchery. I faxed over an order for 2 barred rocks, 1 silver wyandottee, and 1 black austrolorp, I like the city sc hool mix I am getting ...
  9. dynodan22

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi Terri O Pm me I will forward my email to you and you send the picture your talking about. I can do it in either google sketch up or inautocad then put it in pdf format with a cut list for amount of wood you need. Dynodan22
  10. dynodan22

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    My old co-worker who does organic farming took a old trampoline and madea chicken tractor from it , he used all the old aluminium framing material then built a house in it and covered the outside with hardwire and chicken wire on the base:) If you want a chicken tractor drawn up in google...
  11. dynodan22

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    You mean you wouldn't drive that far just to get hatching eggs? Has any one used Abendroth's hatchery ever? They allow small purchase and I can even get a mixed flock ?. Dynodan22
  12. dynodan22

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Msschneid how come you don't just butcher them yourself , or is that you can't or just attached to them? They have an excellent tutorial on this site for doing it . You could also set it up with the Amish to butcher them for you and do a barter or exchange of cash with them. I know one thing I...
  13. dynodan22

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thanks every one for the input on the breeds. The breeds will never be for show , I like easy demeanor type of breeds. The 2 breeds I really had my heart set on was the Plymouth rock and the wyandottes. I think these 2 breeds look so beautiful , my god I am gushing over a chicken as a dude, this...
  14. dynodan22

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi Folks First time chicken raiser here or just about to be , I just finished my coop , well at least I need to just shingle it and finish my permit for the city. I am located in Milwaukee.I decided to try chickens because my wife wanted another cat, and told her I spent all the money on a...
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