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  1. iMagen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hey everyone! Wow, I've been trying to keep up on the posts but I missed a few! Things here are good.... ladies are all doing well. They sure like to waste their food! Their wing feathers are coming in nicely! They try and flap, it's so cute. Our carpenter friend is building me a coop...
  2. iMagen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi everyone! Sorry I've been so quiet since I joined. @Celtic Chick has been helping me a TON via PM. The ladies are doing well! Starting to get their wing feathers, and eating and pooping and sleeping! I had to clean out the brooder today, and it was quite muggy and humid earlier, so I...
  3. iMagen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Very cool! I have a slightly massive addiction to Honey Crisp so I will have to check into trees!!! My kids would be the same way. They are 11, 10, and 8, and I swear turn into a pack of ravenous wolves if you don't feed them. They are kinda like Gremlins lol
  4. iMagen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I'm INSANELY jealous of your honey crisp tree! Where in SE Wisconsin are you? I'm in New Berlin.
  5. iMagen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Alright, so I learned the hard way today you don't visit a farm store with the intention of 'just looking' at chicks... apparently for me, that means they come home with us! So here is one of my ladies, just getting used to walking around on my desk! So far they are doing awesome, stepping all...
  6. iMagen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thank you so much everyone for the input!!! I am totally going off what's cute, not practical lol because A. I'm a girl and B. I'm new lol. I like the tractor idea because they are adorable and moveable, but I like the idea of a possible standing structure. The budget is negotiable, I was just...
  7. iMagen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I should add that we have about a half acre of land, and I don't plan on having them free range too much, because I'm scared of hawks in our area. I will be sure to have a larger run made as well that they can go in and be moved around the yard!
  8. iMagen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    View on Preview by Yahoo Backyard Chicken Basics Backyard Chicken Basics Backyard chickens come in countless varieties. Keeping chickens will teach you basic livestock handling, and these hardy birds will amaze you with their individual ... View...
  9. iMagen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I see dandelions in my yard and it makes me go nuts.... I try and pop all of them out of the ground.... I swear they multiply overnight....
  10. iMagen

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hello! My name is Magen and I live in New Berlin, SE Wisconsin. My husband and I are currently looking into starting a small flock of buff orpington, as I've read that they are very good with small children (we have an 11 year old, 10 year old, and 8 year old) and docile. I don't have any...
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