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  1. missnu01

    *CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

    Well as far as I can tell all of those first eggs were infertile. One got a blood ring and I am no sure that an infertile egg gets those, but either way by day 11 I tossed them all and picked up 24 Maran mixed eggs locally and set those on the 22nd. They are doing great. Well 2 were infertile...
  2. missnu01

    *CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

    I second this...I set 10 eggs and then tried to candle on day 5..and saw just a shadow...Nothing veins, just a yolk shadow, and of course I was all in a tizzy, but everyone said just wait just wait..don't give up yet. And today being day 8 I candled again and saw veins in one egg...I'm...
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