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  1. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    Hi all. Hope you don't mind my jumping in here with a photo of one of my Easter Egger hens and the Silver Ameraucana cockerel that she spends her days with. I think they are such a stunning couple! Too bad they won't breed true to feather color! bantiehen - I'm right there with you, TRYING...
  2. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    HI everyone. I was contacted by a woman in Manning South Carolina who is wanting to buy a few blue egg laying pullets or hens. I am too far away to do her any good but said that I would try to get her in contact with someone who could help her out closer to home. If anyone here has some...
  3. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    Quote: That is one of he most beautiful EE hens I have ever seen. I could gaze at her all day long. Where did you get her from? She is beautiful. I have one named skyfire that could be her twin and she was from Meyer hatchery...
  4. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    Quote: Most hatchery easter eggers have green legs. Leg color has nothing to do with the color of the eggs.
  5. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    Quote: That is one of he most beautiful EE hens I have ever seen. I could gaze at her all day long. Where did you get her from?
  6. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    My guess is girl as well - I love those complicated patterns on chicks. Beautiful!
  7. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    Quote: Need some side photos for sure. At first glance, the way it is posturing at the camera, makes me think rooter, but really, that is just a major guess without a better view at the side of the bird. Cute photo!
  8. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    Quote: There he is! You already KNOW how fantastic I think this guy is. Where did you say you got him from again?
  9. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    Quote: LOVE that blue feathering!!!!!! wow, wow, wow!
  10. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    How fun. You do have a pretty good chance of getting some offspring who lay green eggs, but equally as great a chance at brown egg layers. I have to say, in my personal experience with Marans roosters over green egg layers, I get far more brown egg layers than I get the green layers, but the...
  11. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    Quote: Stunning.
  12. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    Quote: Araucanas do not have beards, what you're seeing are Araucanas from other countries. Other countries do not have Ameraucanas, so Araucanas there are allowed tails and beards/ Here, Araucanas do NOT have beards and rarely ever have tails. I remember the first time I saw an Araucana...
  13. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    Quote: How sweet is that; good boy!
  14. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    Quote: Hmmmm, intriguing.... do you have any photos of her? It will be fun to see what color eggs she lays. congratulation.
  15. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    Quote: Well, that's a hopeful sign; the pea comb in ameraucanas/ easter eggers tends to be inherited along with the blue egg gene, so i would say that there is a good chance of his passing it on to a percentage of his children. Your hens obviously have some blue egg genes also, so you should...
  16. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    Quote: The most likely results, assuming your rooster carries at least one copy of the blue egg gene, is some brown egg laying hens and some blue/green egg laying hens. What type of comb does your rooster have?
  17. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    Quote: Get the Easter Egger!!!!!!!!!!!! You will not regret it
  18. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    Quote: Woohoo! That's some spicy reading with my morning cup 'o joe! Some very interesting info tucked into the corners of the conversation, so thanks for sharing the link. Have fun with your breeding project - very exciting possibilities....
  19. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    So cool! Were all of the boys rumples? any of them have tufts? He has such striking markings and coloring. Wow, wow, wow.
  20. cackleberrycoop

    The EE braggers thread!!!

    Quote: Oh, she's lovely! There is nothing worse than a predator taking our chickens. Makes so mad! I'm sorry you lost your girl, allabout; been there, hated it......
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