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  1. jtn42248

    Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

    These are my Sebright Bantams from Ideal. Hatched 10-7-2014 so they are exactly 5 months old today. The weather is finally getting o.k. so they got moved out to their new pen today. It is a home build 4x8 coop with a 10x20 foot covered run with a peach tree and a mimosa tree. They are one Silver...
  2. jtn42248

    Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

    Ideal Poultry is located in Cameron, TX which is sort of east of middle of the state. Weather there has been unseasonably cold like most of the country so they add the males for warmth even if they are being shipped to a warmer location. I live 300 miles from them and where their shipments used...
  3. jtn42248

    Post pics of stock from Ideal Poultry please !!

    I have ordered from Ideal a number of times. Mostly just pullets and have never had a mis-sexed chick. I did order straight run Bantams recently and got an exact 50/50 split between males and females. Depending on the time of year and the weather and the size of your order they will include...
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