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  1. hcammack

    My Flock Update with pics Girls or Boys?

    well looks like Ive got all girls YES FREKIN SWEET! Henry
  2. hcammack

    My Flock Update with pics Girls or Boys?

    Thanks thats what I am hoping for Did you delete the other one because I posted this twice by accident if you did thanks Henry
  3. hcammack

    My Flock Update with pics Girls or Boys?

    anyone else? sorry I am so impatient just want to be sure. Henry
  4. hcammack

    My Flock Update with pics Girls or Boys?

    thanks I am just worried because I am getting my new roo next weekend and I want to make sure there is just one roo in my flock. anyone else have an opinion on the sex of these guys. Thanks Henry
  5. hcammack

    My Flock Update with pics Girls or Boys?

    so what do you guys think roos? or Hens? Henry
  6. hcammack

    My Flock Update with pics Girls or Boys?

    Here they are there are less but they are better thanks for your help now what would you gues roo or hen?
  7. hcammack

    My Flock Update with pics Girls or Boys?

    Ok I have found a way now the pics are coming in a minuet Henry
  8. hcammack

    My Flock Update with pics Girls or Boys?

    Its not working on photobucket and word what else would you suggest for resizing or what might be wrong that would make it so I can resize all of my other pics are normal sized. Thanks Henry
  9. hcammack

    My Flock Update with pics Girls or Boys?

    ok I will try and make them bigger Thanks Henry
  10. hcammack

    My Flock Update with pics Girls or Boys?

    Here is my flock last time you saw them they were four weeks old now they are three months old. I have 1 EE 1 GLW 2 Marans and 2 favorrel I am also getting a pair of blue wheaton amerucanas on the 20th (I will post Pics when I get them). These all will live in my chicken tractor with the fence...
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