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  1. Je9Jeanine

    New Barnevelder Chicks! Wow!

    Thank you. That egg coloring you are talking about sounds almost exactly like my wellsummer egg coloring. I am trying to imagine less terracotta and more red brown. I can see how the colors would be hard to tell apart. I think the two with V heads will just be laying hens and I wont breed...
  2. Je9Jeanine

    New Barnevelder Chicks! Wow!

    I have two with V heads. One with a splotchy head. And three with dark heads. One of the V heads has gray shafts and the rest have black shafts... So are the two V heads the less desirable of the set? Jeanine
  3. Je9Jeanine

    New Barnevelder Chicks! Wow!

    Oh no! The V head is the welsummer marking? I got three with dark heads and three with v heads. I wonder if I can take the other three back and trade. Jeanine
  4. Je9Jeanine

    New Barnevelder Chicks! Wow!

    Thanks for posting, I am glad to find other Barnevelder owners! I did go and look at ideal and I see that you are right, faykokoWV they would have sent mix, I guess he just ordered the hens. Sounds like you have quite a nice start to a flock! Only a three month waiting list? That is nice. I...
  5. Je9Jeanine

    New Barnevelder Chicks! Wow!

    I just bought some Barnevelders here locally in Utah. A man here locally got on a two year waiting list with They were shipped in on Friday and we picked them up on Saturday. He only had us pay $6 a chick, we got six of them. They are small and healthy. The only draw back...
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