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  1. R

    For $10 Would You......

    Never!! Hey...this is my 2500 post!!!!! For $10 would you eat fast food 3 x a day for a whole week....even if they food was free?
  2. R

    For $10 Would You......'s just the right thing to do. For $10 would do that Polar Bear plunge thing? (Frostbite probably already does!!! )
  3. R

    For $10 Would You......

    Sounds good to me! Sure! For $10 would you voluntarily not shower or bathe for three July?
  4. R

    For $10 Would You......

    Absolutely not! I may not agree with many of his policies but the office of the presidency and person occupying it deserve respect. For $10 would you eat a raw egg?
  5. R

    For $10 Would You......

    For $10 would you spend the night alone in the bottom of a deep dark cave?
  6. R

    For $10 Would You......

    Not unless I wanted a LONG delay and an invasive body search!! BTW...I share your view of Walmart. I go there rarely and always leave depressed! For $10 would change your username from StupidBird to WalmartLover???
  7. R

    For $10 Would You......

    Yes! For $10 would you walk through a busy Walmart loudly singing the Village People's, "YMCA?"
  8. R

    For $10 Would You......

    Only if the president was Teddy Roosevelt. For $10 would you take a trip into outer space knowing there was only a 50/50 of coming back alive?
  9. R

    For $10 Would You......

    Not even with your finger! For $10 would you hop on one foot through the mall sqawking like a chicken being chased by a coyote?
  10. R

    For $10 Would You......

    Yes I would! Oops! I meant yes to the molasses thing...NOT the big toe (unless it was dipped in molasses) For $10 would be change the flat tire in the rain...on a stranger's car...because he needed help?
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