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  1. pdavin

    Raising buckeyes for meat...I could be happier

    If you just use the cavity fat or big globs that have no tissue the rendered fat has very little chicken taste. If you use skin and what ever fat you can glean from the carcass it will have some chicken flavor. I gather lots of different chunks when I portion into pieces. The Schmaltz from...
  2. pdavin

    Raising buckeyes for meat...I could be happier

    Haha yes Schmaltz is an excellent scrabble word! It is an excellent shortening agent too!! Just about anything that you would use shortening for schmaltz. Is. Better! High heat frying breaks it down but for baking, flash frying (fried eggs) and sautéing it is wonderful. I save all of my...
  3. pdavin

    Raising buckeyes for meat...I could be happier

    I suspect that many of your disappointments stem from butchering too early. I age my Buckeyes by months not weeks. I used to keep my roos for nearly a year before I processed them and would end up with 6-7 pound (++) dressed birds. That being said I use my birds to make Natural dog treats...
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