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  1. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    You should put some books on basic military strategy on your list of must reads. It's much easier to defend Hawaii from Pearl Harbor than from 3000 miles away or whatever the distance is between SD and PH. Times were very tense back then and they knew that Japan was a potential threat. If you...
  2. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    Quote: That's not entirely true. It all depends on your definition of "economy." If you define it as GDP and employment, that would theoretically count as "getting us out." But almost all of the production improvement came from building bombs, ships, airplanes, and tanks, rather than...
  3. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    Aren't light bulbs made in China? There's a connection there somewhere. I have a tremendous amount of respect for the Japanese. Even during feudal times they had a very advanced society. I had a guy explain to me the other day what the true meaning of that song "Turning Japanese" really was. It...
  4. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    The Nazis couldn't make it across the English Channel because the Luftwaffe was so incompetent? Who was bombing England almost every night? Sure they would have had a hard time invading England. Shore defenses are a lot harder to get through than air defenses. Hitler did a pretty darn good...
  5. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    Quote: Some people get in an accident, no matter how minor they think they hit the lottery. They don't really deserve squat and half the time they are at least partly at fault. On the other hand some people get really messed up and deserve some just compensation. It's difficult to put a fair...
  6. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    I always liked the excuses for not wearing seat belts. "If i get knocked out I won't be able to get my seat belt off if my car catches on fire" I look at wrecked cars for fun and to earn my living. I always laugh when I see head imprints in the windshield with some hair stuck in the glass. Then...
  7. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    We haven't had any tax rate increases. At least not at the Federal level. State and local taxes and fees aren't controlled at the Federal level. As was pointed out the average consumer pays about 88.00 a year in taxes to support subsidies. That's about 1.5 dollars per week. I can live with that...
  8. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    Quote: One thing I have found about the government. If they stop a program you don't see that money in your pocket. They will just spend it somewhere else or they will lower taxes on wealthy people so they can "Create jobs" you know add an extra accountant to keep track of the extra money they...
  9. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    I had a very nice paying job working for GE Nuclear Energy Division when TMI came along. We had contracts for 14 reactors at the time. Every single one was canceled. It took 15 years back then from groundbreaking to start up. Can't imagine what it would take now. People don't realize how complex...
  10. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    Quote Q9 The sick fact is that most of the large companies are run by people in the government, who have no incentive for safety. After all, they have government guns and other people's money at their disposal. Partly right, just backwards. The sick fact is that most politicians are run by...
  11. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    Q9 Quote Trust me, no corporation would be careless with a nuke plant. The public is already suspicious, perhaps a little unjustly, of nuclear power, and there's no way in heck a company would be stupid enough to cut corners on one of those. I agree with Organics about your reading and level...
  12. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    Everyone has their opinion Q. You're certainly welcome to yours too. What you think and the way things actually work are very different though. If the Constitution is as black and white as you think it is, than it doesn't have much power. Just another piece of paper. Very little in life is...
  13. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    Quote: I understand. You don't get it. I'll drop it. Uh, no. They get it better than you do, actually. The government works for the people, or at least, that's the way it was supposed to be. If you have the cash for it, you should be able to buy it. The government has no Constitutional...
  14. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    Quote: I understand. You don't get it. I'll drop it.
  15. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    Quote: Yes you're probably right. However I'm glad they are doing it regardless. Somebody has to stop the madness. Like the Prez said and was made a lot of fun of about it. Just making sure your tires are inflated could save like 2% of the oil we use. I don't know the figures and I don't feel...
  16. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    Quote: Nothing needs to be done by the Congress. It will take care of itself. When coal and oil are in short supply, the prices will go up making alternative sources of energy more attractive. Entrepreneurs will fill the gap without mandates from congress that things need to be done right...
  17. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    Quote: i am with you on that! i don't think they last very long either! CFL's are only supposed to be used in applications where they will be on for at least 10 minutes. If they are used in places where you just turn the light on for a couple minutes then turn it off again they won't last as...
  18. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    Quote: Yes you're probably right. However I'm glad they are doing it regardless. Somebody has to stop the madness. Like the Prez said and was made a lot of fun of about it. Just making sure your tires are inflated could save like 2% of the oil we use. I don't know the figures and I don't feel...
  19. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    Our winters get down to -10 and I never use heat. We crack the ice out in the morning and refill the water as required. Never lost one to the cold. Proper ventilation is more important than heat. Keep the moisture level down.
  20. Dunkopf

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    CFL's work great for most applications. They are useless when it's cold though. I have 2 300 watt bulbs in my garage. They do a great job. I only use them for short periods though. I can feel the meter spinning when I turn them on. I think the light from the CFL's is just fine. They are ugly...
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