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  1. The Yakima Kid

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    Quote: Affordable LEDs are too dim; the brighter ones require too large an initial cash outlay, although they may be cheaper in the long run. I guess we'll have to start buying our light bulbs with time payments. Except for our bedroom, our house is lit with fluorescents; guess where I spend...
  2. The Yakima Kid

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    Quote: theyre not getting rid of fluorescent lights, theyre getting rid of standard round bulbs... so you AND i am still up poo creek in regards to migraines. I was being sarcastic. I think most politicians are a bunch of selfish psychopaths interested only in money, power, and attention...
  3. The Yakima Kid

    illegal to buy light bulbs...

    This is cheering news to those of us who suffer light triggered migraines. Fluorescent bulbs, mirages, glare - all of these trigger my migraines and bring on Meniere's vertigo attacks. I like my Mazda (incandescent) lights.
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