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  1. TheNuttyChick

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    I will always be grateful to have his posts to look back on. Hopefully we can all keep this thread going in the same fashion and in his memory. There is so much information here from Bob and others, I'm still fairly "new" but have read this thread repeatedly.
  2. TheNuttyChick

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    x2 Bob was a HUGE part of this thread and the comments should have stayed :(
  3. TheNuttyChick

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    That was my thinking exactly, I just don't think it would be good to just constantly be medicating birds instead of building up a resistance. I might be wrong, but that's just my philosophy. I was thinking that maybe some line might be too inbred and has just grown weaker as a result, that's...
  4. TheNuttyChick

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Interesting? Are there any others more susceptible to outbreaks? Is there a connection to overbreeding/inbreeding?
  5. TheNuttyChick

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Thank you for the info, being fairly new and just starting out with breeding (personal flock, not for a profit) it does get confusing sometimes when all you hear is medicate, vaccinate, etc. All I want are strong and healthy birds with good genetics. Maybe I'm just too old fashioned and not into...
  6. TheNuttyChick

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Sorry, didn't know you can't say that.
  7. TheNuttyChick

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    So not vaccinating birds is acceptable? It almost seems like in my area you're almost blacklisted if you don't. Maybe it's just the show people? Maybe it's the breeders? I would think that breeding for resistance is better but if you're thinking about selling, nobody wants to buy eggs/chicks...
  8. TheNuttyChick

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Very interesting, thanks for sharing it with us :)
  9. TheNuttyChick

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Our hugs and prayers go out to her and her family.
  10. TheNuttyChick

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Me too :D I just have a hard time understanding the size charts.
  11. TheNuttyChick

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Thank you sir, I just don't want to get in over my head by rushing things. I'm fairly new and don't want to make costly mistakes :)
  12. TheNuttyChick

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    But now what if you separate any offspring and treat each pen as a separate "line"? By creating those separate "lines", you in theory would not breed yourself into a corner. Please correct me if I am wrong or basically creating more problems.
  13. TheNuttyChick

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    I think that's basically what I was trying to say, but being relatively new, I wasn't sure of the terms to use.
  14. TheNuttyChick

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Thank you Karen, I greatly appreciate any and all suggestions and theories.
  15. TheNuttyChick

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Thank you, with that original pair I would assume you'd have to make at least two pens with their offspring to make this work and yes that is quite a few birds, but you work with what you have.
  16. TheNuttyChick

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    This does sound like it would be manageable, but now my question is,what if you're only fortunate to acquire a pair? Would you create separate pens for the offspring and then start this process?
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