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  1. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    I found it so thought I would share the link. Now back to reading the post
  2. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    just a lurker popping in with a quick question. Could someone pass on the website with info about the Ohio show? Im hoping I could attend. Thanks Jenn
  3. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Beautiful PR. My PRs look nothing like this. they are pretty but this bird is stunning
  4. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    A turkey carcass or left over chicken wings don't last very long with my hens. Bones are picked clean. Nor do any bugs who happen to fly into their area. Plus there is nothing more amusing them a hen on a dead run to catch a flying bug :) Leftovers is their favorite meal. I've never had...
  5. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Just a old newbie but my hens get raw meat like calf liver, mackerel, ground beef, turkey carcass, chicken wing bones, etc a couple times a week as their animal protein. I have mixed ages so mine are all on grower that's fermented with oyster shell on the side for those who need it. My oldest...
  6. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Dragon lady- I thought of you today while we were at the fair. They were showing BO but the hens didn't have the size or color of yours. The cock was big but still his coloring was lighter. Still pretty but nothing like yours. I want to say after lurking on this thread for awhile I tend to...
  7. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    You are correct it was iodine & sugar wrapped with vet wrap & duct tape over it to hold it on.
  8. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    I also use DL in my coop. No smell. I tend to pile it in front of my roosts because they are about 3 ft up. I use a old fashion 2x4 someone had out for trash with the wide flat side for them to roost on. They prefer it over the natural tree limbs I have in there. I have one hen with bumble...
  9. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    May I ask a question about feather barring? While out with the hens tonight I noticed a lot of feathers around. The pullets must be going through their juvie molt. I found 4 feathers from my barred rock. She is 13 weeks old. I'm curious how each of the feathers I found has different barring...
  10. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Just lurking but las t Lst year I went to the state fair and checked out the fowl. Saw so many with goopy eyes, dirty vents...........I thought I would never bring my bird there to show (if I had show quality birds) They all seemed to belong to same person according to tags. I had to...
  11. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    I'm just a lurker but yard of rocks by brassiness are you referring to yellowish tint in the feathers ? I didn't know if it was a reflection or not?
  12. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    She is my first BR. She honks instead of regular chicken noises I am used to. Very, very fast on her feet. She is the first to grab fruit or veggies tossed out & then takes off to get away from the others honking as she runs. She will even take food from the other pullets mouths. She is the...
  13. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    She does have some grey on the top of her feet. I haven't read the SOP to see if that's ok or not. I just have a small backyard flock & I don't plan on showing. I just wanted a few different kinds of birds for my flock but ones that were not straight from the hatchery. I just lurk here but...
  14. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Th Thank you for replying back, I have heard of blackhead before. I don't plan on raising turkeys but still good to have the knowledge. I know of others that raise turkeys with chickens fine. But I've also read that they are very sensitive. Makes me wonder how wild turkeys survive. I am...
  15. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Walt I am curious. Do the turkeys not last because of something on your property that causes them to get ill or because you process them?
  16. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    I am only a lurker here with hens & chicks that are hatchery stock. But that being said I lurk here to see what my birds should be so that in the future if I find myself with more room to have chickens I would like to have them and raise them to SOP & preserve them. And like gjensen said I...
  17. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    I googled creep feeder since I had no idea lol This is what I made for my tots. The slats are wide enough for them to fit thru but the big girls are to big. I keep the tots feed, water & grit in here for them. I can adjust the space of the slots as the tots grow,
  18. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    I have a newbie question. I just got 2 BCM babies. They have their feathers in. One has a white feather on her wing you can't see unless she stretches it out. The other one has white feathers underneath as well and you can see them from her backside. They have copper feathers in their neck and...
  19. armorfirelady

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Still a lurker but enjoying all the info on the different breeds. The mailman brought me my first poultry press. All I can say is WOW so that's what chickens are suppose to look like!!!
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