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  1. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Could we please make a separate thread for I-love-the-1950s-and-kids-these-days-can't-count-to-ten? I really want to continue learning about older chicken breeds. Would greatly appreciate it.
  2. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Great discussion about definitions and different perspectives. Then it turned to insulting younger generations...the same people posters here are trying to get interested in established breeds? Miiight want to rethink tactics on that one.
  3. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Interesting post. Are Dorkings a foundation breed? Is there a list of foundation breeds?
  4. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Your determination is admirable, but your ability to make me shoot milk out my nose with choking gags of laughter is even better. ;) And yes please. It would be amazingly helpful if anyone would be willing to step up to the plate of what Mary was discussing with posting photos and information on...
  5. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    I love when this thread stays on topic! I am learning so much, as are many others I'm sure. Seeing what breeds should look like, especially with comparison shots of hatchery birds, has been the most eye opening of all, along with discussions of lines that lay fast stop young versus lines in it...
  6. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Wow! I've been hearing talk of McGraw's mottled Java lines, but could never find photos. If I was on land and set up, AND could find someone to coach me, I'd take them in a second. They are gorgeous, and supposedly do quite well in hotter climates. So glad some have been located and will...
  7. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Thank you very much to you both! I am still in the holy-heck-which-heat-tolerant-breed-should-I-pick!?! researching phase, so I won't bug Dick Horstman at this time. Really good to know though that there are some solid breeders out there for single combed Dorkings. I'm kind of surprised they...
  8. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    I just found out that dorkings actually seem to do fairly well in high heat (Climate, not oven temperature. Although...). Can anyone recommend a quality dorking breeder with single combed birds? I am aware of one beeder who has lovely looking white dorkings, but they have rose combs.
  9. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    OSU, New Hampshire came to mind, but I am still very much learning my breeds!
  10. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    The ones I mentioned are due to genetics (though genes of course can react with environmental factors). Generalized stress signs in mice tend to be things like barbering, patterned behaviors, fighting, etc. These too though can be more prevalent and/or occur regardless of environment in...
  11. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    I am not a genetic expert or even intermediate. I can only share a bit of personal experience. I work with laboratory animals that are purpose bred. They need to be as genetically similar as possible. Time and again, at conferences, I have heard sneering remarks about how mice are not like...
  12. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    I didn't realize the Javas were a heritage breed, let alone one of the oldest us breeds. Dur. Definitely will have to look into them. How handy is that? Thank you so much for the reference Fowlman! I've had Sam Hill recommended before, but did not realize he worked with both breeds.
  13. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Wow, thanks for all the help guys! No preference on egg color. I'm more concerned about meat quality. The Langshans sure do sound nice. I don't know much about them, and will have to look into them. They sure are good looking birds. The Catalanas are quite handsome as well, and I think...
  14. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Hey Rodriguez, I'm not sure exactly what part we'll ultimately be buying land in, but the winter low where we are moving to is 40 degrees, and snow sounds like it is very rare in that part of TX (central).
  15. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Can anyone recommend a heritage breed that has great meat qualities and can tolerate (TX) heat very well? Naked necks (pure or mixed) seem to be the best suited for what I'm looking for, but maybe you knowledgable people know of some other breeds that would fit the bill? Cubalayas seem like a...
  16. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Thanks Fowlman. Duane Urch has come up several times (I knew he had NNs, but great to learn he has cubalayas too), but Sam Brush is a new name for me. Will look him up. :)
  17. punk-a-doodle

    Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

    Very interesting read, though I have't gotten through all 6 gazillion pages yet! I'm not sure if the following breeds meet the definition of "heritage", but does anyone know of any masters of these breeds/people with quality stock? -naked neck -cubalaya -cuckoo marans Interested to hear from...
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