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  1. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    I always make my own bag's from wax paper, I just fold the 3 edges over twice then staple them, slide the bread in and fold over the top, it works great and keeps the bread just right plus you can make them to fit any size loaf...
  2. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    The premise behind the intense mixing method is to form the Gluten cells which will ulitmately determine the breads structure. A kitchen aid is really a wonder machine for this and mixes better than any hand kneading could ever do. Now I know why my Granma had arem's like a truck driver LOL...
  3. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Mike !!!!!!!!! way to go they look fantastic, great "SAMICH" bread. Mine are out and done here is what I got. AL Using this was a life saver in forming the dough, and made it effortless. I got the Wrinkles guy's, and it wasn't that bad to get. And they ended up...
  4. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Out of the oven now and sorry but I am stuffing my face with this bread............... AL
  5. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Yeah Mike take it easy youv'e had atough one................ I got mine in the oven now. I found a great way to flip these and it worked like a charm, after sqeezing the sides from underneath to create the wrinkles, I used those semi heavy thin plastic cutting boards to transfer and flip it...
  6. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    I see the cooling racks in the back ............... And jimminy christmas you are baking up a storm there today. AL
  7. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Quote: Those air holes are the hardest thing ever to get !!!!! I very rarely have success but I get lucky every now and then. What the OP said is it's spring back was good, but Classic Ciabatta Recipes say it normaly sag's at the first 2 min in the over but then will round rise up in the...
  8. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Quote: Yes your right They do dimple what would then be the bottom but if you prefer a higher loafy type look then forego the dimple's. Once formed you use the heal of your hands to gently sqeeze the bottom together to get the waves or wrinkles in what would be the top. I found the dough...
  9. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Mike : When I get ready to turn mine out I will also try to mimick the underside wrinkles that are the signature look of classic Ciabatta, Hence the name Lady Slipper in Italian. AL
  10. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Quote: Ohhh I forgot your at work, Mike is right though, get home and try this. It may be a tad bit daunting but only a tad but I know you can handle it, don't let our technic thing back & forth skeeer ya LOL...
  11. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Quote: Well then quit goofin off and get to mixin some dough with us LOL....... Good ta see ya AL
  12. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Ok Yours are looking good so far................ I just finished mixing an it did work out just as you described, but you do have to be patient and really get the speed up and then just hold it down and wait till it' forms LOL. They are rising now. I want to try to make 3 loafs instead of 4 do...
  13. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Quote: I thought I would use a Silpat mat while the stone is heating, the Silpat will alow for less flour cause it never sticks and can handle very extreme temps right on the stone, they are a baking wonder tool LOL. Ok Mine is on the 10 min rest before more mixing. I will post pic's and...
  14. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    OP ........ That's what I envisioned it to look like....... Can I just turn them onto a baking stone instead of parchment paper ??. AL
  15. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    That is Ok, and it will get really soft and plyable but fragile as it rises. Pancake batter consistancy is not the best desription. AL
  16. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Quote: I have this thing where I brush my bread with an egg white wash. One egg white, 1 tbsp warm water and a pinch of baking soda... makes the loaves all nice and brown. Should I do that with these? I use alot of different Glaze washes on my breads but never had any luck with using them on...
  17. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Thanks for clearing it up, looking forward to seeing your next batch, I will be making some today. I still have a question . I am unclear as to how many loafs and their size this recipe makes. AL
  18. al6517

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    It is a little tough to follow your wording/spelling???????????????? I like the recipe but could you please proof read the directions, they seem a little hard to follow. No offense really just want to try and make it but as you know these Ciabatta'a can be tricky. I like the lady slipper as we...
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