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  1. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Well this is the ciabatta rolls made with half the starter I made yesterday (the part I am supposed to "throw away", yeah right). I followed the recipe except I used buttermilk instead of water in the dough and tossed in the starter too, about a cup's worth. The dough went nuts. I have got to...
  2. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    While I had the dough hook portion of the process going I made this little snack for my breakfast: thin sliced filet mignon, tomatoes and brown mushrooms on a warmed ciabatta roll with home made tarragon mayo. WOW
  3. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Quote: Hmmm Nightshift, wonderful (I worked about 15 years of nights in my lifetime, sorta liked 2nd's). I made the starter using water, 1/3 cup rye flour, 2/3 cup whole wheat flour, 1 tsp sugar and 1 tsp yeast. From everything I read using yeast in your starter gives you a good bubbly starter...
  4. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Yesterday I made a batch of ciabatta rolls using buttermilk instead of water for the dough. Otherwise I did everything as described in the recipe. They are amazing - the wife is off (a snow day) and we're going to have the vegetable subs described earlier in this thread for lunch. I include this...
  5. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Vfem For us making the dough into rolls works best. We freeze them in bags of 4 or 5 depending on the size and freeze them. Takes like about 4 hours for them to thaw enough for us to use them. We freeze them because there is no way we'd eat them quick enough - I like the idea of waxed bags...
  6. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Back on topic a bit - when I made the ciabatta rolls I froze half of them. The first batch disappeared in no time. Sunday while the first football game was finishing up I started a great pasta sauce with italian sausage in it. We had caviatelli pasta with that sauce and I split one of the...
  7. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    I use a number of asian style dressings - sometimes a peanut sauce dressing when having asian slaw with pot stickers: probably one of my favorite asian style dressings is something I got from a woman in my old congregation in...
  8. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Well I let them cool some and split on and applied COLD BUTTER to it, fabulous. Later I split one and into the toaster oven it went while I assembled sandwich fixings: 1 slice Honey Baked Ham 1 slice swiss 5 slices of tomato 2 large leaves of romaine folded Mikey's Magic Sauce Laid down some of...
  9. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Got ciabatta rolls baking as I write this. This time we left the chickens in the coop as it first snowed and now is raining, what a mess out there. The dough really rose nicely on these after cutting and flipping. As for my adhering to the process, my bad: I used the paddle about 5 minutes and...
  10. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    A great way to drown our sorrows... summed up in three words Deee Lish Us !!!
  11. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    We have the panko breaded talapia filets in the oven (they are from Costco, soooooo good). Here is my "slaw recipe", realize this is a one off I created for this sandwich, as I needed a dressing to dress the "salad" part of the talapia sub, and a teriyaki/sesame glaze for the fish filet itself...
  12. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Thanks for the PM Adopted: As I told you this was a really sad messed up day - so with the interruption of catching a hawk killing one of my girls and doing the right the for her I wasn't 100% on my game today. After reading your PM I realize the 2nd thing I did wrong (besides not knead the...
  13. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Well I couldn't wait until dinner. I've had almost a whole loaf of the bread with butter. One observation tho: I did not get the typical airy structure common in ciabatta - I am sure due to the hectic stuff outside I didn't truly following the prescribed knead time. The bread tastes amazing, has...
  14. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Looking good VFEM For any of you that haven't got them on the sheet pans, this is what I told Al in a PM: Listen just flour up your board real good when you turn the dough out, and flour the tops real good, slice your portions and then have the sheet pan RIGHT THERE and gently place them on. I...
  15. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Quote: You kidding me ?? I know I got kitchen experience but this is so stinking easy. Follow her instructions and you're good to go. Really !! I just packed mine up after letting them cool a couple hours, they smell and feel fantastic. Wish the wife wasn't on Weight Watchers I'd make swedish...
  16. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Ok, got mine baked off, the house smells great. The rolls look really good too. I can see a chinese chicken salad sub in my wife's future. LOL
  17. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    Well I made my dough, and the dough making process was interrupted by me noticing a darn hawk was killing one of my bantam hens. So go deal with that and then continue. Sorry for the rant, but it IS a Chicken Forum so I figure you understand better than a lot of folks. RIP Lilly Beth Anyway I...
  18. bigmike&nan

    Ciabatta bread - this one worked out really well, fast and easy

    It's very cold here today so I'm going to try your recipe. As for your process, I think you could overcome the problem you have moving it to the parchment lined baking sheets: simply move them at the time you cut up the dough. I have a tool I find indispensable in my kitchen called a baker's...
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