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  1. chickmanna

    Auto Feeder

    Thanks for the info. I'm encouraged to give mine another try. Annie
  2. chickmanna

    Auto Feeder

    Jmagill - I'm still struggling with mine. Can you give a few more details? Pellets or crumbles, what type container, what size hole, etc. Thanks, Annie
  3. chickmanna

    Auto Feeder

    The top piece is flat, like a fin. The supplier says use 12mm hole for crumbles, 15mm for grain and 20 mm for pellets. This translates into approx. 1/2 inch, 5/8 inch and 3/4 inch. I have been working with this for about a...
  4. chickmanna

    Auto Feeder

    I got my thingamajiggy in the mail yesterday and looks just like the pic from jmagill. I was dying to see how it worked, so I poked a hole in a coffee can, inserted the device, added some feed(crumbles) and it seems like it will be o.k. The "T" end goes in the container and acts like a baffle...
  5. chickmanna

    Auto Feeder

    Thanks for the reply and the pic. I expect mine to show in the mail any day and will be installing right away, too.
  6. chickmanna

    Auto Feeder

    I'm gonna try again to post the link. Maybe someone out there has tried this one.
  7. chickmanna

    Auto Feeder

    I'll post info as soon as I receive it. Also see post above. She may get her's sooner and let us know more.
  8. chickmanna

    Auto Feeder

    I went ahead and ordered one, too. Will be starting on my coop this week, and it should arrive just in time to finish up by est. move in May 1.
  9. chickmanna

    Auto Feeder

    Thanks for the info, so many ideas my head is spinning.
  10. chickmanna

    Auto Feeder

    Hi All - My very first forum post EVER, ANYWHERE!! Is anyone familiar with this auto feeder device? Looks interesting, available on eBay, and would run about $12, including shipping, to get one from UK supplier. Uh Oh, I guess I'm too new to post a URL to the YouTube video for this item...
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