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  1. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Yes, we here are the ones who have "our heads screwed on straight" as my mother would say.
  2. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Some people seemed so strange to me. A man in a restaurant asking people if they had any leftovers he could take home...not for the dogs but for himself, stealing catsup packages etc. Another family obviously freaked people out because she used family cloth and ... You could almost feel the...
  3. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    I watched a show last night, "extreme cheapskates" or something like that? Did any of you watch it? And what did you think?
  4. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Checking back in... I have been away for a while. Insee this thread is still going strong. Nice! Frugal on my friends!
  5. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    We tried stringing popcorn last year but I found it frustrating to string - the boys gave up quickly. So this year I am going a slightly different route. Going to try and use up the slightly dry mini-marshmallows I have in the cupboard. I bought a bag of cranberries to intersperse with them...
  6. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    RE: food grade buckets. I got mine at a local taco shop. They buy large buckets of sour cream and then throw the buckets away. I use these buckets to store my chicken feed, laundry soap, etc. Maybe check at the local restaurants and see what they have for free?
  7. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Quote: Bienvenidos!!! So...You say you soak your man's work clothes. Does it help get the dirt out? I haven't tried that. But I will now. And if you are cloth might consider going paper free? We made cloth napkins, cloth hand towels (and also some rags I use to wipe up messes...
  8. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Quote: This was so helpful. And I love what she said about buying a "fresh" bird. I am definitely trying this method this year.
  9. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    GreenGables~ I am soooo trying the green bean recipe. Raiquee~ You are right - this one probably doesn't cost less...but think how good it would taste. I am going to try your recipe.
  10. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    TotalColour - FELICIDADES! Good things come to good people. (You are in for a whole ***load of goodness )
  11. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    There is nothing better than a present - and even sweeter when it comes from someone I met HERE! Yesterday after work my little son came running to me with a package that had come in the mail. Lots of "open it, open it, what's inside" from one child, the other groaning "It is probably just...
  12. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    My daughter came home for a visit. On our budget there will be no going out for dinner. So...french omelettes for breakfast. Potato and ham soup for lunch with homemade grilled bread. And some things I have been saving up just for this occasion. I pulled out some steaks I had found for a great...
  13. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Quote: Ditto. I gave my bread machine away. I like making it by hand.
  14. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Quote: I have long hair and I don't curl it with a curling iron. For one, I don't like the idea of damaging my hair with heat. I use socks on the rare occasion I want to curl my hair. My daughter also has hair long enough to sit on and she doesn't use a curling iron. She uses socks. (if you...
  15. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Quote: I have never owned a dishwasher either (My mother does). I do not however have an outhouse. Wish I did. I can just picture it in my yard...I live on the corner by the post office.
  16. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Quote: That sounds very relaxing and soothing to me. Until you have to empty it afterwards lol...I was thinking "until you have to fill it".
  17. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Quote: I hear you. So for me, the solution is to do what I can do and be happy with that. I wish I could be further off grid and self sufficient (I live in town so no sheep, pigs, goats for me)(I work full time so I am not at home learning to spin or whatever it is I currently wish I could be...
  18. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    ChicMom - I get headaches when I suddenly lower the amount of caffeine too. When I am trying to lower my caffeine intake I usually lower it by only half for the first three days and then I might half it again - I don't get headaches if I do it this way. Try this if it fits your budget...
  19. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Hmmm...You know what I love about this thread? You know what makes is possible for me to dig down deep and share how I feel and what my situation is? It is the feeling that although we are all at different stages you are all so very supportive. So to each of you who take the time to be...
  20. Rathbone

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Quote: I don't think anyone needs to tell you...I think you know. (I think deep down we always know). And what every relationship needs to be successful is a sense that you are a team, that you are working together. It sounds like you are currently in the stage of empowering yourself and...
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