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  1. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Thank you all for your kind words. I probably shouldnt have posted that, I really was not trying to whine. Im sure I am just as much at fault here. But I didnt want to just disappear without telling you all thank you. You are amazing!
  2. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Im sorry to say I wont be a member of these boards much longer. I mean, I know I can still post, but it wont be much fun without my critters. Dh and I are separating right after Christmas. He has found himself someone else for the second time in our marriage. We arent telling the kids until...
  3. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Thank you all! We are a blended family even though we each have custody of our kids. Hubbies two daughters have a stepdad that is constantly trying to outdo us. The girls are 9 & 11 so they dont understand, believe everything he tells them. Last Christmas we spent a couple thousand total on the...
  4. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    I havent been here for quite awhile-I started home schooling two of my daughters and acquired a few more critters and theres just not enough time in the day :). The main thing Ive been doing is hatching chicks! Of course thats fun lol. Im still using the incubator that I made out of a styrofoam...
  5. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Lmbo Im sure the kids will think up plenty of candy names when they get home!
  6. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Thats so neat! My friend homeschools her daughter and thats why she wanted to try a hatch :). They cant have chickens on their rental property so the chicks will come back here, but they will still be her little girls :). I have a kid in every grade from 1-5, maybe I should offer eggs to their...
  7. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Thank you! My hubby is the one got me curious. He told me that when he was in elementary school his class hatched a few eggs in an old aquarium with a lamp above it. I had looked at bators at the farm stores and knew several were made out of styrofoam, I had 3 styrofoam coolers from a camping...
  8. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Update: If any of you remember my posts, I was experimenting with a very simple homemade incubator. It worked! I made it out of a styrofoam cooler from Dollartree, my heat lamp with a regular household bulb, and a bowl of water. The only thermometer I had on hand was my candy thermometer, so...
  9. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Hi all. Sorry I hadnt responded before now. Im processing birds and with the kids in school theres no helpers lol. I dont use any bleach. I make the liquid detergent. The holes are showing up in odd places, not near a seam or anything. I have a standard top load machine but its brand new...ive...
  10. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Has anyone had a problem with their homemade detergent eating holes in their clothes? Ive been using it for awhile now, but I noticed today two pieces of clothing that I know where fine when they went into the washer had several holes in each when they came out. One was brand new, had been worn...
  11. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Uh-oh. Im curious now. Never heard of dry canning lol. But I do have all these beans Have to watch that video when I get a minute. Youngest DD's rabbit had babies last night, right in the middle of my candle-making. So have to finish the candles today, plus its baking and laundry...
  12. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    $6 turkeys? Sign me up lol. We dont have a Costco here. Every year Krogers and Walmart sells out of Turkeys a bit before Thanksgiving. They're too tight to have to put them on sale. Our power went out the day before yesterday twice with just some rain. I cant wait to see what happens with a lot...
  13. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Well darn. Id hoped to help, but San Diego is a bit far :). Once you overcome those hurdles and do it the first time, you'll be so proud of yourself lol.
  14. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Deb, Ive been thinking about you and that pressure canner. There is someone on here that lives fairly close to me in southern Indiana. Is that you? If so, Id be happy to teach you on mine. I have the same canner as you, and I have a batch of chili beans and probably some chicken I need to do...
  15. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Last night hubby and I were figuring our bills together for the next few weeks. Next week is going to be really tight with no extra for groceries. BUT Im already stocked up on baking supplies, meat, and canned veggies. I even have extra milk in the freezer, and I recently weaned myself off of a...
  16. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Awww Thank you so much! I had ran across a news article on google about a school out west that planted a 15 Bean Soup garden with their students. So thats where I got the idea lol. I will let you know if it actually produces anything before frost :).
  17. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Thank you all! I love you ladies on this thread :). Beekissed....yay for sweet corn! Mine didnt do so well this year, so we bought a bunch from an Amish family near us and I canned and froze it. I have an experiment going on in my garden right now lol. I planted my fall green beans and peas a...
  18. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    So my meat birds that I bought last month are almost ready for processing. Remember, they were already a couple weeks old when I got them and I only paid $0.50 apiece for them. So far Ive bought 4 40 pound bags of feed at $9.86 a bag. I'll have to buy one more bag since it will probably take me...
  19. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Thanks Deb! I have thought about offering classes on gardening or canning or processing...I want to do it free just to help people learn how. Maybe bring your own jar like you did, but just do whatever I happen to need to do that week so Im not going out of my way and helping someone else. BUT I...
  20. funnyfarmmom

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Oh I wanted to chime in on the school lunch thing. Here the breakfasts and lunches are horrible. Yesterday for breakfast our school served each child that wanted it 4 tiny minibagels, and a cup of juice. For lunch they served a bagel pizza that only had sauce and cheese, 4 carrot sticks and a...
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