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  1. jime

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    Juan , la verdad yo también soy nueva en esto. Obviamente hay mas fotos de gallinas que no vi pero ese gallo (el primero me parece lindo).Si el gallo fe dio este gallo entonces solo s e trata de jugar con los cruces y eliminar bastante, solo quedare con lo mejor. En cuanto a cruces, puedes hacer...
  2. jime

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    I guess I will have to plan a trip there to get sue eggs:)
  3. jime

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    Estan muy bonitos, me gusta mas el primero creo que se acerca mas al color del estándar, y la ultima foto también (creo que es el mismo gallo verdad?) Vas a tener huevos o pollitos disponibles en un futuro?
  4. jime

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    Ok I went ahead and asked about the barring on the tail: This should be barred white with black black been wider than white since black will turn almost gary.The rooster colour is to be the one from the Gorria kind witch is a orange red (kind of copper) with the barring between.There is not red...
  5. jime

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    I am the one that post those pics from the spanish page. About the tail you are right I can translate everything that was said about those birds if you want, to give you an idea that will give you and idea on how far or close you are to see mistakes. Just today I received an email from somebody...
  6. jime

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    Ok sorry I did not want to get into an argument with no body somebody asked what I think of the birds and I give my opinion that is all. Opinion base on what standards in spain say.I am new as well but I guess from now on I will only read what others post and see how this breed evolves here.
  7. jime

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    Ok sorry for the comment, like I say I am new and I see things that others don't see as fault, maybe I am too perfectionist.Sorry for that.I will love to have a stock like yours but I will still work on them to get them to the spanish standard.The sickle is not white is barred the way it should...
  8. jime

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    Hello I am new here , I always check on this thread because I am interested in the breed and I hope you don't mind my comments. I am trying to learn here. I will appreciated if some body can direct me to the spanish standard, so far what I get when I google is minimal.Or somebody in spain that...
  9. jime

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    I knew about the OE, I have Isbars for that. It is really hard to find a good penedesenca (or somebody that wants to send chicks) and I don't care for Marans. So I went with the Isbar. I was posting this because Aurora Springs was asking in post #2461 about been able to make sex links. My...
  10. jime

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    I hope I am in the right place but I just got some chicks (it was kind of an experiment) I like my EE because they lay really well during the CO winter, and i love my Marraduna rooster they are huge and pretty colour, I don't have any MB hens so I decided to breed my EExMB and got the chicks...
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