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  1. OtterCreekRanch

    Ghosts and the Paranormal...

    No, no basement. I guess I should have specified that I have heard voices more so than noises, though when I am alone at my grandparents I often hear what sounds like a radio or TV turned on in another room. I always search the entire house and all electronics are always turned off. I usually...
  2. OtterCreekRanch

    Ghosts and the Paranormal...

    All of my experiences have been visual or noises, so I often wonder if it is just my imagination running wild. I have never had any physical experiences that could not be disproved. That is why I wonder about it. I partically want to see hard evidence so I can say yeah, I probably did see what...
  3. OtterCreekRanch

    Ghosts and the Paranormal...

    So, who on here believes in and/or has had an encounter with the paranormal? I am mainly asking about spirits/ghosts. I have seen and experienced things I just cannot explain, but as a Christian I was raised to believe that when we die our soul goes to either heaven or hell. That is not to say...
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