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  1. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    They are BEAUTIFUL, I have eight growing out in my crib brooder right now, ready to be my newest flock once they are ready to be out in their coop. ^_^ here is a picture of a rooster:
  2. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    The flexwatt sounds interesting. I am going to attempt to make an Ecoglow type device next month. I found a rubber mat for fairly cheap that is meant for putting next to your door to put wet shoes on to dry them out. I am going to mount it to a frame with adjustable legs and test it to see if it...
  3. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    I set 8 Muscovy eggs, 8 Chocolate Orpington eggs (for a friend), 8 Lemon Cuckoo Orpington eggs, 4 Cuckoo Maran eggs, and 19 bantam eggs yesterday (a mixture of bantam Easter Eggers, and random OEGB eggs.) Goodness I am going to be overwhelmed here in three weeks. I am still building my...
  4. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    I love how IA can also stand for Instigators Anonymous. Cause we totally are.
  5. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    Personally, I love Brinsea's products. But I am fiercely loyal and a little biased. (I am mainly biased because my hatch rate has been so phenomenal using them.) but it is a worthy investment if you want to have excellent hatch rates and an easy to use incubator.
  6. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    Hello fellow incubator addicts! Sorry I disappeared for a while, been VERY busy putting in pastures and building new breeding pens and coops. So, I have traded in the Brinsea Octagon ECO for a Brinsea OVA 380. The thing is practically echoing but I am filling it up as quick as I can! I have...
  7. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    Ewwww weird! I use distilled water myself, that way it is handy to the incubator when needed.
  8. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    I can vouch for the high chlorine content in Nashville water. I have a friend that lives there, and when I visit I bring my own water to use when brushing my teeth, I can't bring myself to use that bleach water. I am used to Spring water and that chemical water is blech!
  9. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    13 quail have hatched so far, oh my goodness what a tiny little handful they are! Super cute, expect pictures!
  10. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    I locked down my quail with full intentions of leaving the 4 duck eggs in the ECO in peace....then remembered some frizzle and sizzle eggs I had been hoarding. Ooops. Into the Bator they go.
  11. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    Omg I let the incubator sit empty for a whole day! Now it has 4 dozen quail eggs and 4 duck eggs in it though. BUT I WENT ONE WHOLE DAY! *proud*
  12. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    I set some eggs on the 11th! I'm really excited about the 8 Egyptian Fayoumi in there! Got a dozen Buff Orpington and some mystery eggs to boot! The only sad thing is my 3 mystery eggs from some very perfect OEGB all candled clear on day 5. I was all ready to start showing chickens and winning...
  13. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: Well you better get hatching... let see you need to set 200 eggs/ only half will hatch and then half will be roos so that will give you 50 pullets That sounds PERFECT!
  14. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    My friend dropped off a huge load of beautiful aged barn wood today for me. NEW COOP TIME! That should give me room for like 50 more chickens, right?
  15. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    How cute! I love it!
  16. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    Look what I just found under my broody bantam cochin:
  17. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    Sounds like he will have more than one bird, as you said eggs, not egg.
  18. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    You set them noon local time on the 11th if they are chickens, you fill out a form and try to guess closest to how many eggs will be set overall, things like that. -Number of eggs set -Number of chicks hatched -Week 1 Contest (TBD) -Week 2 Contest (TBD) -Week 3 Contest (TBD) -Best overall...
  19. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    I just did too, all my other chicks should be grown out and in the coop by then, so I'll be hankering for more chicks right about then!
  20. Impress

    Incubators Anonymous

    That is sweet of you to keep her and spoil her, I've sworn I'll cull Crooky one day, but I never see it happening, I just keep him away from the hens for a month if I want to set eggs, he is just too sweet! Every morning he sits on my lap while I have my coffee and grooms my arm and shirt.
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