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  1. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    The auction threads should have a locking option on them for those of us, and by us I mean me, that have zero self control. Gamble quail, splash ameracaunas, chocolate silkies, lavender silkied ameracaunas... :barnie
  2. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    yes I saw your second post after I responded to the first. I will be imparting your wisdom to my project :) congrats on your first hatch! And welcome to the dark side hubby's who support the hatching addiction are awesome! Mine is 100% on board with hatching too. I just have a limit on how...
  3. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    Up to 7 days in proper storing conditions. After that the viability of the eggs drops significantly every day.
  4. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    I think I have all that on hand. Except the thermostat but Home Depot is right down the road. I might have to give it a try. Just have to figure some sort of egg tray so I can just tilt the actual bator to eliminate hand turning. I've read a lot that cooler bators do pretty good. I'm going to...
  5. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    $8??? I need another incubator like I need a hole in the head but... For that price tag I may have to build shelving in my hatching room to accommodate all the units I would surely have! I have roughly 110 egg capacity right now and a hatcher. And another incubator ordered and on its way :hide
  6. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    Well 2 days ago I was down to only about 2 dozen eggs in my incubator. I've already maxed out my lyon, have enough eggs sitting on my counter to max out my backup bator, and now have 10+ on the way because I couldn't stand to pass up splash ameracaunas again. Oh yeah and I was looking into some...
  7. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    What do you mean by older? I've got a Lyon roll x2 that someone before me used for a long time. The thing works great but it looks like it came out of a mad scientists lab
  8. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    nope is sounds like you both have a healthy relationship and love of chickens! I'm jealous lol I just happen to have a second coop sitting empty (long story) and I'm wondering if he would notice another flock if I started using it... :hide i am trying to figure out how to get my husband...
  9. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    Is step 3 figuring out how to keep him from noticing the new pen? If so I'm progressing nicely! :giggig :hide My husband is a hatching enabler and a chicken limiter :hu :barnie
  10. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    I love it! are they really that difficult to hatch? I have some in the bator now and they're looking good so far.... No they don't! And a person with no chickens is a truly unfulfilled person
  11. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    My only 'standard' is half EE and only the size of my silkies so she must count as 1/3 because she has 2 points against her... Maybe 1/4 because she also doesn't lay yet. So I only have 1.25! Now my silkies are bearded except 2 so I can't see their eyes and therefor can't count either. So I...
  12. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    Well I'm hatching out a lot of silkies to add to my flock. My husband gave me a limit on how many total chickens I can have at any given time. Chicks not included. So I showed him my flock count, using chicken math, and he's not buying. If I can find a legitimate school that teaches the concept...
  13. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    I sell my extras on Craigslist. I also get a good idea of prices by checking what everyone else on there is selling for. It's easier to rehome Roos if you sell a pair. Meaning a hen and roo package. I'm curious what others do though.
  14. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    I'm going to give the milk jug a try. I have to refill their waterer several times a day lol it's cute now but when they're all bigger I'm betting I will find it much less cute and much more work. Do you have any kind of a heat lamp on your pool? I have 3 old large toyboxes that I use for...
  15. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    My ducklings are already a bit stinky. Now I'm concerned lol. And I can't believe what a mess they make! They've covered the brooder walls with their food already from playing in it with the water. I was cleaning it earlier and giving them a very stern talking to about it. Well it went more...
  16. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    How is the baby pool in the living room going? I would be tempted to do the same but I have a 1 and 2 year old that are still in the process of learning to be gentle with animals. My ducklings are very timid so I've been spending as much time as I can next to their brooder. When do you move...
  17. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    Empty... bators.... I panic when mine start looking half empty LOL empty would be devastating! Do you ever order through ebay? A lot of people are lucky and have lots of wonderful breeds to choose from where they're located. I'm just not one of those lucky people so I haunt ebay and craigslist...
  18. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    oh my gosh! Too cute! I wouldn't be able to cull after that either
  19. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous We can always use more people to join in the madness... come check it out! This one everyone is setting eggs on specific dates in hopes of all hatching on the same day (New Years). It's...
  20. Sustained

    Incubators Anonymous

    The God names would be great! You could have Zeus, Hercules, Hera, Loki, etc... And butthead LOL poor little thing got short changed by the naming board
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