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  1. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    4 BBS Ameraucauna bantams have hatched, 3 have pipped, 1 has zipped. Woo-hoo!!!
  2. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: Congratulations!
  3. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Any tips on how to stabilize humidity?? During the summer and fall months, my hovabator was perfect. Added water every two or three days, easy. Now that it's winter and we have the wood stove cranked up, my incubator's humidity drops soooo fast!! I checked it at 6AM this morning, it was at...
  4. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: well take care of yourself. your chickies need you! they can live without you for as long as it takes to get you checked out. I can sympathize about having family history... i've got 9 people in 4 generations of my family with breast cancer. some are still here, some gone. my mom...
  5. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: Are they coturnix? They hatch in 18 days so lockdown 2-3 days before that. I missed lockdown this time but they are hatching like crazy anyways. DH says, that's a lot of quails. Yeah, I set 90+ eggs....well I didn't want to waste them:-D Mine hatched with chicks and the quail thought...
  6. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: Two years Well that's just not right. What part of hatchaholic does he not understand? I hate it when mine gets all huffy over building coops and the feed bill and buying eggs and chicken feathers and blah blah makes me want to go buy MORE eggs... I have the opposite...
  7. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: Don't you wish you had one of this mini camcorders at times like this? At least you could view it when something happens at night. Try to get some rest. You'll probably wake up in the middle of the night anyway, at least I do when it's lockdown. From day 18 til the hatch, I just...
  8. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Shikoba. I like your pics! Sometimes I think we over complicate hatching, I'm looking forward to reading about your hatch
  9. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Geez Deb, hope you're feeling much better soon! Just set 17 BBS Ameraucaunas, 5 Columbia Rocks, 2 Barred Rocks, 4 Golden neck booteds, and a Light Brahma - all bantams! So excited to open these this morning, I wasn't sure exactly what I was getting except the Ameraucaunas! Felt like Christmas...
  10. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Congratulations Arielle! I'm going to try the self serve type egg stand this year too. Just bought a new "Farm Fresh Eggs" for sale sign. This one has a little sign underneath the big one that says "Open" or "Closed" on the flip side.
  11. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    She's baaaaack.... I just bought some eggs on auction..... YAY.....I have missed hatching SO BAD. And I don't care if DH gets his tail feathers ruffled or not, I'm back in the hatching game So what if it's an addiction?? It's so fun to see those little fuzzy butts coming out of their...
  12. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: Yay!! We can all live vicariously through you . Congratulations on your babies I want to see pictures Me too, me too!!!
  13. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: I hear ya LilyD Same exact problem going on here I've turned into a lurker on this thread
  14. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: Congratulations and good job on the EE! It's always difficult to decide whether to help...or wait. Just being stuck to the shell is great news!
  15. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: So cute! What kind is the little dark red/brownish one in the front?
  16. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: x2 That was neat!!!
  17. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: Congrats and will keep my fingers crossed for the remaining eggs What a wonderful way to start the day with brand new chickees
  18. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    The empty incubator is driving me nuts It's in the garage, I can't see it, but I know it's there - beckoning me to use it...
  19. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: Hang in there
  20. discoveregg

    Incubators Anonymous

    Mrs. Fluffy Puffy : Quote: You know, SS stands for Speckled Sussex, you had better be more specific :-D I figured since we'd been talking about Silver Sussex SS would mean Silver... Although it also stands for Speckled Sussex! ~Aspen I want to be #2 on the list . Are they the same size...
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