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  1. ki4got

    Just candled my eggs

    you might check out the auction section. i noticed some eggs from Maine today... maybe they're local to you.
  2. ki4got

    Just candled my eggs

    Quote: I agree with kvmommy. sounds like it was scrambled. all 5 of the marans eggs i got were that way. not one developed at all. on the plus side, I've got all 8 bantam eggs hatched (set 11 but 2 were clear from the start and 1 early quitter), 4 EE have hatched, 1 more internally pipped. 9...
  3. ki4got

    Just candled my eggs

    well, candling after lockdown didn't hurt! Jap & Ducky have their first chick hollering quite loudly in the 'bator. zipped about half hour ago. Now Shadow (senior spoo aka std poodle) has turned back into a hyper drooling mess who MUST see the chickies... LOL Sunny (1.5 yr spoo puppy) says...
  4. ki4got

    Just candled my eggs

    Quote: if you can find them, small clear glass/plexi boxes work neat. if you're careful you can break the egg into water in one, and not damage the yolk, you get a clearer picture of what's going on inside the egg sometimes. if i've got the time i try to get it out as intact as possible... i...
  5. ki4got

    Just candled my eggs

    Quote: i'll agree, if it's all dark, and you can't see anything, err on the side of caution... that quitter on day 17 i posted earlier, i did open him up... and glad he quit. only had 1 wing, so i'm guessing other problems too. i like to know why things happen. most of the quitters i...
  6. ki4got

    Just candled my eggs

    Quote: are they dark or see through (the whole egg by day 18 you wouldnt see any vessels) actually i'll argue that. depends on the flashlight/candler, and color of the shell. my EE are totally black, the dorkings are white shelled. all set the same day. the bantams are lightly tinted...
  7. ki4got

    Just candled my eggs

    ok thought i'd post these here... if they can help. edit: these pics were day 17. eggs set on sept 30, pics taken oct 17. i used 2 flashlights to get these pics, larger one below and a smaller one over the air cell ( both LED ) this one is a good egg, now in the hatcher. pic taken...
  8. ki4got

    Just candled my eggs

    Quote: is it entirely dark or does the light pass thru pretty easily? if it's dark, then it might be ok, if it's light, then they're not likely to develop by now.
  9. ki4got

    Just candled my eggs

    Quote: Ayup.
  10. ki4got

    Just candled my eggs

    ok... i've made a short video showing eggs at days 3 4 5 and 11... hope this helps. click here
  11. ki4got

    Just candled my eggs

    no idea... post a picture?
  12. ki4got

    Just candled my eggs

    Quote: lol a large led flashlight, and that was a roll of teflon tape to keep the egg off the flashlight and funnel more light in the egg... yeah i know not the greatest way to do that. now i have the same flashlight, with a ferrite toroid sitting on top, and for smaller eggs i have a...
  13. ki4got

    Just candled my eggs

    Quote: personally, i leave any questionable eggs in the 'bator until about day 10. then it's obvious if they're developing or not. but that's chicken eggs, don't know what incubation is for ducks. maybe add a day or 2. but pretty much by the time the chick shadows most of the egg, any clears...
  14. ki4got

    Just candled my eggs

    Quote: were these local eggs or shipped? i'd heard such horror stories with shipped eggs but that was the only way to get some of the ones i wanted. *knock on wood* i've got 17/21 dorking eggs growing, 12/14 EE's, and i think all of the marans (7 shipped, 2 smashed in shipping) are...
  15. ki4got

    Just candled my eggs

    Quote: if you're on day 5 and not seeing ANY blood vessels, then nope don't think so. i started seeing blood vessels on day 3. faint but they were there. today (day 8) you can't hardly see anything except a few blood vessels and the shadow of the chick swimming around. if i can get hubby's...
  16. ki4got

    Just candled my eggs

    Quote: you're seeing the yolk not air cell. the air cell is just an area at the end of the large end of the egg. if there's actually a spot in the air cell, no that's not a chick. by 5 days you would see veins coming out from around the chick, and be able to see the eye developing too...
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