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  1. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    It could still be coccidia. You really do want to get this checked before you are sliding down a slippery slope.
  2. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    Puppies this age I feed all they want, or all they will consume at a feeding. Continued diarrhea/loose stool is cause for concern, so if it does continue, talk to your vet.
  3. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    Agree with Eggsoteric.
  4. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    If they have been outdoors at all I would assume coccidia and treat them all for that. If you have not dewormed recently I would do that too.
  5. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

  6. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    redhen, no, but what she is describing is NOT normal for a b.itch with puppies less than 21 days old. As Dainerra said, if you are going to have issues, it will be in the first week with sore breasts, etc. Up until at least 4 weeks, healthy normal b.itches nurse puppies whenever they demand it...
  7. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    Let me be clear. I have never had a b.itch that I had to force to nurse puppies during the first 3 weeks. What I said was that I WOULD do this if it were necessary. It is NOT normal, and I am with FlaRocky, I would not use a b.itch again who was unable or unwilling to take care of her litter...
  8. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    Puppies this age should have all they care to consume at LEAST 4X per day. Part of the reason why you have to clean so much is these puppies are much younger than normally they begin to eat. Most puppies cannot manage to eat from a pan until very close to 3 weeks old. I would want my b.itch in...
  9. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    See, I would be having my b.itch in the box, to lie down and nurse the puppies 4 to 5 times per day, whether it was her idea or not. This is not normal. Puppies should nurse at least until 21 days. Be careful she is not incubating some sort of infection that might be causing this.
  10. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    I make a gruel of goat milk, plain yoghurt, egg yolks, ground fresh turkey or low fat ground beef, and rice baby cereal. At first I make it very loose, and then make it thicker as they grow more able to eat. Once I start feeding I offer this 4X per day, am, noon, pm, and before bedtime.
  11. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    I would recommend foods such as eggs, meat, liver, canned fish. Yes you can give them goat milk.
  12. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    Also, FEED HER. Feed her just about as much as you can get her to eat, and feed calorie dense food. Nursing that many puppies is an extreme nutritional drain. Weeks 2 and 3 are the hardest.
  13. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    I would MAKE her stay until the puppies stop eating even if you have to assist her. Most puppies cannot lap until at least 3 weeks. You might want to bottle supplement though.
  14. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    Here is a pretty generic version of my purchase agreement. You can copy this into any word processor and alter it however you like. A PURCHASE AGREEMENT 1) PURPOSE A. A major purpose of this contract is to protect, preserve, and perpetuate the standards as spelled out below of the...
  15. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    That is my Katie on the far right with the light pink ribbon. This is about 4 weeks old here. :D
  16. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    I use very thin ribbon, tied in a square knot with some of the ends left hanging out so it can easily be seen. In a larger litter sometimes I leave 1 M and 1 F unmarked. Here is a picture of my pups with neck ribbons on.
  17. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    Outstanding. 1-3 ounces is normal and healthy weight gain for puppies. That is a nice box!
  18. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    Oh dear. Best wishes for her recovery. Mothers trump dogs every time.
  19. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    Please tell me you have taken her to the vet for and exam and cleanout shot if necessary, and that you are continuing to keep a temperature shot. IF you are not, and IF there is a retained puppy, she will become very ill, her milk will become poisonous to the puppies, they will have to be...
  20. Redyre Rotties

    Looking for a male saint bernard

    Those are good normal sized puppies. Keep watch on the weights. You may not see much of a gain in the first 24 hours. In fact in some puppies you may see a slight loss, however by day 2 it should be re bounding. DEFINITELY agree with Dainerra, a vet check is a MUST, TODAY. Also, I keep...
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