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  1. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    What a great job!!! It looks wonderful! I
  2. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Beautiful job!! :) Looks wonderful!
  3. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Hadn't even thought of it!!! Great idea!! When my guy had chickens/turkeys like 10 years ago... he said in all the years they only lost 2 turkeys to a grizzly -- but it was because the turkeys didn't even try to go in the coop -- but instead walked right up to the hole the grizzly made in the...
  4. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Was definitely a coyote-- I sat out there and watched him come in and out of the yard several times. The run is chain link fence dug in and then outwards and then chicken wire along the bottom 3 feet or so as well. We should be safe from everything--- except maybe a huge determined grizzly could...
  5. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    It sounds strange but we are almost lucky to have the daily wolves, coyotes and then the frequent grizzly bear--- It's the urban predators that are savvy enough to get past all the precautions. Our biggest worry is the return of pine martins in the winter-- They WILL find a way in .. no ways...
  6. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I don't know if you can tell what is lurking just 20 feet of our coop.... Let's hope all the installs/upgrades do us well as there have been a lot of coyotes spotted carrying chickens off in our neighbourhood. After finding this guy this morning (and running him off) I also finally finished the...
  7. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Oh they are We are dealing with a LOT of predators -- but the birds are definitely an issue! Hawks, owls, ravens, eagles... all will jump on the opportunity if handed to them! We went for a thicker metal mesh but a lot of people here just do string every foot or so. They say it works to deter...
  8. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    It's the pine martins that are impossible.. the bears aren't that bad as long as they aren't hungry... Pine martins can get into anything and they kill for fun :( So worried for winter time when they come rampant!
  9. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Had 3 eagles circling my run yesterday -- thought I could hold off on covering the top for a week or two but instead I jumped right on fencing it... Here she goes... The front before we did the fencing on top!
  10. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Looks quaint, beautiful, and perfect!! Lovely coop :)
  11. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Google Kitimat snow fall of 2015 and take a look... 6 ft in 24 hours... Oh god please no lol
  12. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Thank you!! I will start patching. The ones in the nesting box open to another closed off room (unless the window / door are open) but the ones in the ceiling we can definitely handle. I'm a bit of a helicopter chicken parent so I'm hoping I will be monitoring enough to see how they are handling...
  13. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Thank you for all your input! Definitely a beginner!!! I was a little worried about ventilation and have been watching it as we've had some warmer days up here in North West Canada and it's already feeling like its gonna be a warm summer!!! There are a few holes to outside in the ceiling space...
  14. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I am thinking hanging a mirror will be an easier way to extend the lighting in our coop than installing another window. There is just one small window and the run access plus one bulb to add lighting to the coop. Will monitor how they do without! Tonight they are out of their original brooder...
  15. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    adorable!!! I love those fuzzy feet
  16. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I think I'm going to add a mirror in there... I have mixed feelings ... I feel like a mirror could be stressful but haven't read anything as such. Thoughts on mirrors in coops from this forum?? Added some lavender in there today... We are gonna move the chicks to the coop this weekend as our...
  17. canehdianchick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I still have a few more things to do and it isn't done yet... We have a second run just across from the main coop/run and I'm thinking of extending the size of our main coop. First time chicken owner... We were going to order 12, then the minimum was 25 so we thought...why not? And ended up...
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