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  1. tumalochick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I'm actually glad I had boys - I remember what I was like as a teenage girl My youngest boy has actually been a huge help with the coop and run. He's a hard worker and mostly pleasant. Until the teenage attitude rears its ugly head once in awhile! His brother got to go off to college last...
  2. tumalochick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Mine is sort of a half A-frame. It's 8x12. I got it off of craigslist for $200. It was used as a garden shed and I converted it to a coop. I have 16 chickens in it and they have plenty of roost space and 5 nesting boxes. I don't have pics of the rest of the inside, but very roomy!
  3. tumalochick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Make that two 15 yr old boys!
  4. tumalochick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    FINALLY finished the run! Our $200 craigslist coop and the run we built for my 16 girls (well, 13 girls and possible 3 roosters) I would like advice on a top for the run. What works best to keep hawks/eagles/ravens etc out? We get lots of snow in winter so I need something that it won't pile...
  5. tumalochick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Yes, but it takes longer if you don't do it properly the first time ;)   You have quite the nice looking coop and run there.  Thanks! I have 16 chicks now so it will be plenty of room for all of them. I will need to wind proof the inside of the coop before next winter. I'm thinking I will just...
  6. tumalochick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I built these flower boxes for the coop out of the old shutters. I think it's turning out cute Here they are installed. Seems the chicks like their new digs pretty well. Almost done with the run... It has taken way longer than I had anticipated!!! Doesn't it always!
  7. tumalochick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    We have a few days each winter that are super cold, but average winter lows are in the 20's, winter highs are 30's-40's. Last November we had a -33! Our well even froze. It stayed cold for about a week. I like the idea of hinging a couple of windows, but I think I'll see how it goes first. If...
  8. tumalochick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I'm pretty sure they would get way too cold as there are 6 windows total and we get pretty windy here. There are only about 6 weeks of real warm weather (80 or over at high). I'm more concerned with cold weather and wind/snow in the winter. The coop has open gable ends for ventilation.
  9. tumalochick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I guess that's a possibility, it was originally a garden shed that I got off of craigslist and am in the process of converting to a coop. They might actually help in the summer as we can get pretty hot. Two windows face west and will get the afternoon sun.
  10. tumalochick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I really don't know if I need to worry so much about rain. We don't get much here on the high desert. I really think it's cute the way it looks in the outside (yes, I'm being a girl about it ) I have a ton to do this weekend so I'll see how far I get! The C things are frames for shutters. The...
  11. tumalochick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Great ideas! Thanks! I have 7 chicks 3 weeks old. 4 Australorps and 3 buff Orpington. I attached a couple pics of the inside, will definitely need to do the battens on the inside. Some of the gaps are a lot bigger than I thought. The wind comes from the west/northwest most of the time here so it...
  12. tumalochick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Thanks! I will post more as I go. I live in Central Oregon, so we really don't get a lot of rain. The inside doesn't have any water marks from leaks, but I'll keep that in mind. I am planning to swap out the lattice eves with boards to cut down on wind drifting through. How airtight should it...
  13. tumalochick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Thanks for the ideas! Snakes not so much - coyote, raccoon, hawks, eagles and neighbor dogs though! I piled the rocks around the base and will be putting hardware cloth on top of the dirt inside the coop since the coop doesn't have a floor. Then I'll put down gravel with a layer of shavings or...
  14. tumalochick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I got mine off of Craigslist. I think it was a garden shed to begin with. As you can see, I am critter proofing still and building the run this week. Newbie to chickens so I'm excited to find so many ideas on here!
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