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  1. h_palmer

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Hi all Quick question, can you bath chickens.... my girls smell abit off, they were all sick for some time with a flu, runny noses, cough etc and are all better, but when I hold them I still smell that sicky smell - maybe its just me but wondering if I could give them a bath and how and what to...
  2. h_palmer

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Quote: They are simply gorgeous..............
  3. h_palmer

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Quote: Well another hot day here in queensland.... Mmmmm veggies, yes mine have been neglected too after my darling girls ate all of them I have managed to chicken proof my tomatoes and strawberries and the tomato bush is recovering..... When I get around to it will chicken proof the rest of...
  4. h_palmer

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Quote: We originally had three day old chicks from my daughters school, one for each of the kids, my daughters one Rosy turned out to be a Roo and we changed his name to Robert, he was a really great guy, very friendly towards the children and a little protective of his two hens - except we...
  5. h_palmer

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Quote: I dont have rings on their legs we had a pack of small multi-coloured cable ties and each of my kids have favourite colours eg: Lachlan likes green, and connell likes blue so they were colour coded as per their owners choice. - they were easy to put on and just snipped the end with a...
  6. h_palmer

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Quote: The four hens we have were named by my kids so each of them own one and the one left over is mine...... Lachlan named his Lulu (she has a green tag on her leg) Connell named his Tiny (she has a blue tag on her leg) - and turned out to be the biggest one and biggest piggy Emelia named...
  7. h_palmer

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Hi all I'm back....... thanks ducky for changing the title now I dont feel like too much of an outsider and noooo not my eating habits but my four little feathered friends, as this is the first time we have ever had chickens, I presumed you gave them scraps and they would eat them up, my...
  8. h_palmer

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Ooooops just read the heading of this thread.... SOUTHERN STATES... Sorry guys from butting into your thread, I got an email and just presumed that the original thread for australians had started a new one..... Sorry guys, will find somewhere else to post. Heather
  9. h_palmer

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Hi all Havent been on here for a little while, if you remember me I have four chickens two ISA Browns (approx 8mths old) and two Lohmann Browns (approx 7mths). The ISA Browns we had as chicks (Had 3, one turned out to be a Roo which had to leave the group due to neighbours not happy) the...
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