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  1. hawkeye2

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Okay. Thanks, the marans don't have their wings fully feathered or any tails unlike the aras. This morning I caught Mum on top of the coop with the 5 aras and made her go back down cause it was chilly. I unlocked out and got 3/3 boys from my pure marans and I think 1/3 boys from the not pure...
  2. hawkeye2

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Has anyone hatched marans and araucana together? I've found that my aras have all feathered up quicker and Mum is a accidentally (to a slight degree) neglecting the 6 marans in favour for the aras cause she expects them all the follow but only the 5 aras can cause they can fly but the others...
  3. hawkeye2

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    They do a little but they have feathers on their feet plus little stripes. When googling maran chicks just then I came across the following post which is exactly what they look like. Little bit of striping and a little eyeliner happening. This is what the little ginger ones look like from all...
  4. hawkeye2

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Yeah, I was thinking that. Not sure what they're going to look like and a bit concerned that I won't be able to sex them when their feathers grow in. I'll text her and ask cause I didn't actually see the Maran pen as it was at a different property. Not too concerned though. Got 16 eggs (I took 2...
  5. hawkeye2

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    My babies are all here!! 11 healthy ones, 1 egg not fertile, 1 early quitter (was the size of a pea) and unfortunately a lost baby at hatching time (he pipped through blood vessel and even with help got too tuckered out to go on). Not bad for both my broody and I not having a clue about...
  6. hawkeye2

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Ooh, possibly. :) there was also red ones and a gorgeous dark brown one at the place but I don't know what colour they'd hatch. Haha. I've never even held a baby chick before so I'm so new. Can't be lav or it'd have a grey tinge to it.
  7. hawkeye2

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    My babies are finally hatching!! This photo is Impatient (an Ara) who hatched a full 2 hours before any sibling, he was the first to pip as well. I'm intrigued about his colouring since the other Aras have been Blue or Black with dark legs. (I know he's pure too cause I got to look around the...
  8. hawkeye2

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    It's a self replenishing one. One of those green and white ones. I'm going to put a few pebbles around it so they don't trip in and drown cause apparently that happens easily. I also have a nipple waterer, none of my pullets will use it but maybe the chicks will.
  9. hawkeye2

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Hey, My babies are due Monday/Tuesday and I was wondering what I need to do? Will my broody be able to make sure they all hatch fine? She's a first time Mumma. Will she need help? I'm so nervous. lol. Going to spend my weekend making a third of the run cut off from the Isas so I can transfer...
  10. hawkeye2

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Those are lovely eggs. I've got 7 Wheaten Maran eggs under my Ara at the moment so I hope I get a gorgeous girl to keep out of that hatch. :) The eggs are such a nice deep colour.
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