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  1. canesisters

    The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

    Ok - trying again. I posted a little while ago and this girl/guy was a little too young. H/she is right at 6 wks old now - anyone want to guess Boy or Girl?
  2. canesisters

    The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

    Here's my little boy(?) at 2.5 to 3 weeks old. Not quite as clear or as bold, but maybe there's sill going to be a pretty pattern. Hum.... could it be that he's a she??? No wattles and almost no comb - and only a few days behind Lil Sarge... Only time will tell. I hope that the...
  3. canesisters

    The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

    RattlesnakeRidgeWV, do you have any picts of these lovely birds as youngins? I got my first chicks a couple of weeks ago and two of them are SLW. WOW! I'd be SOOO pleased if my girls turned out to have patterns as striking as yours.
  4. canesisters

    The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

    I got 2 at a swap a couple of weekends ago. I'm REALLY hoping they're gonna be hens. Out of the 8, these are the biggest, and wildest of the bunch. I call them my wild-a-dottes. Raisin Cane (reasonably sure this one's a pullet) and Citizen Cane (suspect this one's a roo)
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