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  1. Pinky

    BYC Aquarium Thread

    4000 gallons! That must look awesome, Any photos of it? Here's a photo of my pond 3 days after replacing the green water with clean water(It went back to green really fast). I'll remember to get some more photos next time I do a major water change to clear out the algae.
  2. Pinky

    BYC Aquarium Thread

    Thanks, this was after I planted some new plants and the shrimp went crazy over them. I would show a few photos of my pond, but its in direct sun and the algae has already taken over. No matter what I do it keeps coming back.
  3. Pinky

    BYC Aquarium Thread

    I wanted to share a video of my red cherry shrimp. I love these little guys, my fav. fresh water invert:) This tank is a 30 gal. long, and I have a few more plants in it now than I did when this video was taken. The shrimp are breeding like crazy.
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