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  1. sj3364

    The "Reason for the Season"

    I realize this is off topic but I know a lot of freethinkers follow this thread. We lost a great man last night. Christopher Hitchens has died. He was an elegant, articulate writer and speaker and will be missed very much...
  2. sj3364

    The "Reason for the Season"

    Quote: Royd, I'm an atheist, a real one, not a pretend one. I would like to wish you a Very Merry Christmas. I do that because I know you are a Christian and this would make you happy to hear. If I knew you were, say, Jewish, I would wish you a Joyous Chanukah. If I say to you, "Happy...
  3. sj3364

    The "Reason for the Season"

    AquaEyes, I like your writing on this thread. I've also noticed and admired your posts on other threads. You have a nice, logical way of articulating your point.
  4. sj3364

    The "Reason for the Season"

    Thanks for the post Nimby Chickens. I also love the website. I'm an atheist and have never see this site before. I think I'll share it on my FB page. This as been a very interesting discussion. Thanks to the mods for letting it continue! If any of you are Big Bang Theory fans, be sure to...
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