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  1. the4heathernsmom

    Goat Folks- Pooch Test Pics! Guesses on pregnancy???

    ohhhhhh!!! I KNEW it!!!! lol Congrats and you did well to be there and help. The one you pulled looks HUGE! What great looking kids!! Don't forget the CDT if you didn't get to give the momma a shot!! Wow how exciting for you! :)
  2. the4heathernsmom

    Goat Folks- Pooch Test Pics! Guesses on pregnancy???

    CDT is a yearly vaccination that goats need. It is for Clostridium Perfringens type c and d and for tetanus. It is very important and can save you from heartache too!!! I vaccinate the does 30 days before kidding and it gives the kids immunity from the mom. Since you don't know about the...
  3. the4heathernsmom

    Goat Folks- Pooch Test Pics! Guesses on pregnancy???

    Yes check the eyelinds as well .....sorry forgot to mention that ....... they will be pale as well as the gums and may be more of guage for you. I learned from trial and error and reading LOTS of info about time goes on and if you get real hands on with feeling the belly you...
  4. the4heathernsmom

    Goat Folks- Pooch Test Pics! Guesses on pregnancy???

    I think it is great you got her but if you are like me on limited budget/income you can still do a lot for her healthwise without a vet. Google and check online....there are tons of resources that have really helped me and just read and research on caprine care. Yahoo groups has a lot of goat...
  5. the4heathernsmom

    Goat Folks- Pooch Test Pics! Guesses on pregnancy???

    judging by her condition she looks possibly thing is to look at her fresh at first light in the morning before she fills that belly. I would get her a goat protein tub, minerals, a good feed regime going slowly and all the fresh hay/forage available free choice. There is a...
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