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  1. bbRedMom

    Chicken Thiefs?

    Well, it has been over a week since I put the lock on, and I haven't lost a single chicken! I called the Sheriff, but because I dont have any direct evidence it was a person, they couldn't do anything. He did think my goats were nice So the beast-ards got away with one, but no more! Haha!
  2. bbRedMom

    Chicken Thiefs?

    Well, I put a lock on the door last night, and re-re shored up any places a varmit could possibly get into. And as of this morning, I still have 7 chickens! So, who knows. I need to call the sheriff anyway on the kids riding their 4-wheelers at midnight in the woods. Totally dangerous, and...
  3. bbRedMom

    Chicken Thiefs?

    Here the situation. About one month ago, all my adult chickens went missing from a seemingly impenetrable coop. Never the less, I move my momma and chicks into my storage room in the barn, across from the goats, and have been working like crazy to shore up any holes, loose fencing, anything that...
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