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    Will Quail eat the sowbugs in my strawberry patch without eating my strawberries?

    Thank you for all the replys, I was wondering will Chukur birds eat my strawberries?

    Will Quail eat the sowbugs in my strawberry patch without eating my strawberries?

    They won't be free ranging, I have a completely enclosed strawberry patch. So small breed ducks might work? Like call ducks?

    Will Quail eat the sowbugs in my strawberry patch without eating my strawberries?

    I have a strawberry patch that is infested with sow bugs/rolie polies.They are eating holes in all my strawberries. I would like to try a non chemical method of getting rid of them, but, I need something that won't hurt my strawberries. My question is, will quail do the bug eating job, and leave...
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